Welcome to Gospel.com! There's a lot to see and do here--so where do you start? Here are some good starting points. Pick one that sounds more interesting to you and dive right in!

Homepage & Blog

The main Gospel.com page has lots of places to start exploring. Each week we highlight new featured content from the Gospel.com community. We also list the best and most popular content topics and hand-pick ministries from our community to feature. The Gospel.com blog gives you a daily look at both classic content and new additions to the Gospel.com community.


The material here at Gospel.com--articles, essays, music, and everything else you can think of--is organized into hundreds of different topics. Everything from sex to devotionals to youth ministry to movies has its own section of the site. Click on one to start exploring, or if you'd like to see a giant list of the most popular topics at Gospel.com, step on over to the Topics page, where we've selected some of the newest and best topics to be added to the site. You can also search for topics using the search box on any page at Gospel.com. If you can think of it, chances are it's a topic here at Gospel.com.

Ministry Community

Because Gospel.com is a community of Christian ministries, you can also explore the site by learning more about ministries that interest you. There are hundred of Christian organizations here, each devoted to internet ministry. You'll find everything from Christian blogs (like ThinkChristian.net, publishers (like NavPress), creation ministry (like Answers in Genesis), devotions and Bible study publishers (like Back to the Bible) and many more. You can get a glimpse of the many different ministries here by looking at the Ministries page, where each of the organizations that are a part of the Gospel.com community are listed for you to explore.

If you'd like to learn more about the history and purpose of Gospel.com, head over to our About page to learn about the ministry behind Gospel.com, and the reasons we're doing this.

There's no wrong way to explore Gospel.com! We've done our best to bring you the most relevant content from our community while introducing you to the ministries that produce it. Have fun!

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.” -1 Timothy 2:5-6 Listen to chapter

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