Just wanted to point your attention to a site with a number of promising features called This site is a ministry of InterVarsity, which has been doing college ministry since 1941. There’s an emphasis on user-generated content on, “at every turn, readers have the chance to participate in creating content at–from making comments on Spotlight features or suggesting questions for our next InterView to posing a Good Question or uploading your own resources.”

Their mission is to be “a place for conversation about lively faith, real relationships and life on a college campus.”

  • Ask questions and get answers at Good Questions. There’s a number of interesting questions up already, like How can I respond when someone I know is dabbling in the occult?
  • Read InterViews with people involved in making and commenting on culture. People along the lines of Andy Crouch.
  • Spotlight is where you can share essays, stories and ideas with each other. Like this one called The Final Exam.
  • There are also a number of practical articles for building your campus ministry. Here’s a good example, Helping Students Get to Church.
  • “InterVarsity has local groups on hundreds of college campuses around the U.S., with countless student leaders and dedicated staff who are learning how to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. (If you’ve got a chapter on your campus, get involved! If you don’t have one, you can start one.) For, we’re out to dig up the best stories, ideas, insights, and resources from all over the country for living a life of meaningful faith. We want to think through faith and live it out.”

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