Spiritual insight that’s stood the test of time: classic Christian devotionals
As a quick look at the Devotionals page here on Gospel.com will show you, there are a lot of good, free online devotionals out there to pick from. Different devotionals will appeal to different people—but today, we’d like to highlight a handful of devotionals that have appealed to enough people over the years that they’re now considered classics.
Take a moment to get to know these classic devotions, all available for free online reading:
First up is the famous My Utmost for His Highest devotional series, written by Oswald Chambers. Chambers traveled the world teaching the Bible during the early 20th century, and served as a chaplain during World War I. My Utmost is his most famous work, a collection of daily inspirational messages that’s been continually in print since 1935. You can a bit more about Chambers here, and of course you can read My Utmost for yourself at RBC Ministries’ website.
A.W. Tozer was sometimes called a “20th century prophet”—and reading his devotional series Insight for Leaders, it’s easy to see why. His messages, intended for Christian leaders of every type, whether famous or humble, are just as relevant for today’s church and community leaders as they were when he wrote them decades ago. You can read about Tozer here, and his Insight for Leaders daily messages are online at the Literature Ministries International website.
Charles Spurgeon is another well-known, highly influential preacher and writer who lived and ministered in 19th century Britain. His Morning and Evening devotionals are unique in that each devotional is split into two parts: one to read in the morning and the other to read at night. Wikipedia has plenty of information about Spurgeon’s life and ministry, and you can check in daily to read Morning and Evening at Answers in Genesis.
These aren’t the only “classic” devotionals out there, of course, but these three have been particularly well-regarded by Christians throughout the years. If you’ve never had the pleasure of exploring these vintage spiritual insights, take a few minutes to see why they remain popular so many years after they were first written!