Prayer as a powerful means of evangelism

Today’s devotional comes from A Slice of Infinity, a daily series by noted Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias. Drawing on an unusual experience from a visit to a communist country, Ravi shows that powerful witnessing can take place when we simply model for others what prayer and worship look like:

A few years ago, two or three of my colleagues and I were in a country dominated for decades by Marxism. Before we began our meetings, we were invited to a dinner hosted by some common friends, all of whom were skeptics and, for all practical purposes, atheists. The evening was full of questions, posed principally by a notable theoretical physicist in the country. There were also others who represented different elements of power within that society. As the night wore on, we got the feeling that the questions had gone on long enough and that we were possibly going in circles.

I asked if we could have a word of prayer with them, for them, and for the country before we bade them good-bye. There was a silence of consternation, an obvious hesitancy, and then one said, “Of course.” We did just that—we prayed. In this large dining room of historic import to them, with all the memories of secular power plastered within those walls, the prayer brought a sobering silence that we were all in the presence of someone greater than us. When we finished, every eye was moist and nothing was said. They hugged us and thanked us, with emotion written all over their faces. The next day when we met them, one of them said to me, “We did not go back to our rooms last night till it was early morning. In fact, I stayed in my hotel lobby most of the night talking further. Then I went back to my room and gave my life to Jesus Christ.”

I firmly believe that it was the prayer that gave them a hint of the taste of what worship is all about. Their hearts had never experienced it.

Over the years I have discovered that praying with people can sometimes do more for them than preaching to them. Prayer draws the heart away from one’s own dependence to leaning on the sovereign God. The burden is often lifted instantly. Prayer is only one aspect of worship, but one that is greatly neglected in the face of people who would be shocked to hear what prayer sounds like when the one praying knows how to touch the heart of God. To a person in need, pat answers don’t change the mind; prayer does.

Read the complete devotional at Ravi Zacharias’ website.

Pointing people to God doesn’t always mean handing out tracts, preaching to them, or outwitting them in an apologetics debate—sometimes it’s as simple as showing them what worship means in your own life.

7 Responses to “Prayer as a powerful means of evangelism”


    this is very enlightening. it is also very true god can move in great ways. thnak you for this i am a person who loves to pray ,for people as well as for myself. sending prayer up is a great privilege. i am thankful for being able to pray.

  • che says:

    no matter how much i want to pray together with the people in the office, i cannot. most often than not, assigning prayer leader for the week is a taxing job. a lot of finger pointing who will do it. and i find myself not wanting to ask anymore nor participate because it felt like forced. and that feeling is very heavy on me.if finger pointing is what happens everytime we assign them to, i might as well pray alone.

    • Meju says:

      Possibly, you could give everyone a paper asking who would like to pray and asking them, if they were called on to pray would it be acceptable to them, then have them submit/return the paper privately. Pray over the papers before you send them out. I hope you are surprised and encouraged by the results.

  • Kevin says:

    thank you for the testimony of prayer. I have seen it personally in my life as well, I have started a men’s prayer group and I believe that God will use it to use it to move mountains in lives to come in the world me and the people that attend please pray for me as God directs this ministry that he has entrusted me with.

  • Akua says:

    Prayer is the key to any problem on this earth because God speaks to us through prayers and without Him we cannot do anything. It is only God who can remove every hindrance and give us happiness and joy in our life. I believe in prayers and not any prayer but prayer with faith. Please pray for me that there is a hindrance in my life and it is only God who can remove it.

  • david says:

    I totally agree that prayers will move mountains

  • jeff says:

    I’m struggling trying to concecrate my life to a point to where it shows each and every day. By showing I mean a power is extended through me to a lost,hurting and hardened world. I firmly believe there is more power avaialed to us.In fact I know it.I have walked in it. But I am weak and wayward. I also know it’s attainable and I’m heading towards it again. You get there with heart wrenching prayer.