What did you learn about God in 2009?
I’ll go out on a limb and guess that, like most people, you experienced a mixture of emotional and spiritual experiences in 2009. Maybe some of you had a truly good year or an utterly awful one; but my 2009 contained elements of both.
It was a roller-coaster year for my family. I won’t go into the gritty details, but at times it seemed that every piece of good news was almost immediately followed up by a corresponding piece of bad news, as if to maintain some kind of cosmic balance between joy and grief. Everytime bad news stretched out too long, a happy development arrived to lift my spirits, and vice versa.
All in all, it was an “OK” year. But I learned something this year that I had known intellectually before but never experienced in my day-to-day life: I learned that God is the same no matter what my circumstances.
God was there when I happily came to Him with thanks for something good in my life. And he was still there a week later when I came to Him with tears in my eyes over the bad news. I’ve worshiped God in good times and in sad times in the past; but the constant see-saw between joy and grief this year made God’s unchanging faithfulness clear to me in a new way. I could not count on myself, because I could not predict how I would respond to each new experience. But as the year plodded along, I drew comfort in the fact that the same unchanging God would be there for me no matter what I was feeling or what was happening.
What did you learn about God in 2009? Is your faith today different than it was at this time a year ago?
I call 2009 a “great and terrible year”. There were some beautiful things that happened: weddings, graduations, etc. There were some bad things – death, murder, cancer, anxiety, etc. Nevertheless, I’m excited for 2010.
I have learned that God cares about the mess in my life. I have had the concept that God cares for me because He has to (the whole obligation because He’s God), and what I’ve learned about Him – He cares about the mess in my life, and not because He has to, but because He is passionate for me. It’s been a great lesson to learn. Counseling helped me learn so much about myself! I’m grateful for 2009’s lessons; this much is true!
I would have to agree that this last year was both terrible and joyous.
I think that the biggest thing that I learned is that God is always there no matter what we are doing. He may be off our radar but we are not off his. He is always there and always constant. We need only bring our focus on him. He is a constant support and source of strength.
I learned so much in 2009 and hope that I will keep learning and growing in 2010. My walk with Christ was not so strong last year. This year it has grown and I have learned to love and read the WORD OF GOD. I did not grow up reading the BIBLE and so this has been a new experience for me. God through the HOLY SPIRIT has shown me so much that HE wants us to learn through HIS WORD. This was the first year that I spent in prayer on NEW YEAR’S EVE. It was great to spend it with GOD AND GOD ALONE! All my blessings flow from GOD. I am blessed to be HIS servant and hope to serve even more fervently in 2010 and in all my days until I go to be with HIM in heaven.
I have learned that God cannot be put in a box and that He does not operate the same way but none-the-less is so aware of all the details that His means always accomplish His intended purpose. Although people can be fickle and unconsistent, God uses a variety of individuals to achieve His purposes on a corporate basis, like during a church service. I have seen God use individuals in a variety of ways not restricting them to only the particular “giftings” we would assume God entrusted. That which is needed is that which is supplied at the moment and His glory has been revealed by the diversity of individuals He has used and the variety of ways He has used them and others. I have seen body ministry and am thankful I am in a church that welcomes the Holy Spirit to move and do as He pleases and used whatever means He desires. I now expectantly await to see more manifestations of His glory. This in turn has carried over into my privately life where I understand that God is still at work using me and others to fulfill His plans.
I asked the Lord to teach me how to “pray without ceasing”. He showed me that each time I say “Thank You” I am praying. When I “give thanks in everything” I am praying without ceasing. There are so many things to be thankful for! These include the difficult things as well as the wonderful and joyous experiences. I am learning that God shapes me by my circumstances when I surrender myself to His will and choose to trust that each circumstance brings His Love to me and reveals His amazing goodness in one more facet. What an Awesome God!!!
I learned so much in 2009. I believe that the fortitude to believe in the Word of God above all else was developed and strengthened in ways that it never could have been done without the various economic situations that we faced in 2009.
The economy of the nation was shaken but our family’s economic state became stable on the support of the God of more than enough….and the God of wealth. Our heavenly Father has many names and He demonstrated himself as not just provider but as the God of wealth and more than enough in our lives in 2009.
We were never seen forsaken nor begging for bread even though at times we had used our last five dollars and we have a family of four children. God provided daily. We learned to obey His voice and see the money needed manifest in the exact time frame needed.
We learned to forgive others who did not pay us as we owed so many others money that we needed to be forgiven of.
2009 was a time of experiencing the fire of God that purges and purifies and at the same time we experienced the existence of Christ standing in the flames with us being preservation and life.
In 2009, Great Grace was seen along with Great Power to erase debt and protect His children. Fear was erased and Christ’s providential guidance stepped in to lead and quide us in the steps of protection and provision. One such story: We paid a friends electric bill (25.00 dollars was all that was needed to stop a shut off action) and our electric bill of 1700.00 was paid in full with an additional $200.00 credit applied.
i learned that know matter where u r in ur walk with God that i still have favor. And that his love is forever.
In 2009 I become a true Christian. I found God and my faith and I completely turned my life around. I was on the wrong path that lead to destruction but God sent me an angel, who opened my eyes and showed me God’s love through his own. I am truly blessed for having Nathan in my life. I struggled a lot in 2009 but I learned to trust that God would help me back up from my fall. I slipped many times but every time I strived to do better. I am not completely better yet but I am still working hard to please God and He has given me great things. He gave me the love of my life in 2009 and I will forever thank Him for that. I know that I will be rewarded for my struggling and I really do want to please God. Especially because of all the wonderful things He has done in my life and everything He has given me. There are still parts of my life that crumbled to tiny pieces in 2009 that I am still waiting for to be restored but I know that Jesus makes all things knew.
I learned so much about God in 2009, I do not know where to begin. I started reading the Bible and that taught me so much and I learned a lot from personal experiences as well. I learned that God loves all of us no matter what and He always gives us what we need. He ends our struggling and heals our pain. He makes us strong and courageous. God made everything unique and beautiful. I learned that God is the greatest thing of all. I learned that He will take care of us forever and that we do not and should not be dependent on other human beings. God is ALL we need and He gives us love because that is the greatest thing He can gives us and it makes us enjoy the wonderful gift of life that He has given us even more. It helps us get through all the struggling in life and He gives us hope. I learned that your relationship with God is the most important relationship you have.
I also learned a lot about myself from God in 2009. God has given me incredible talents that I meant to share with other people. I found God’s purpose for my life. I found an amazing love that was stored away in my heart. I could go on and on… but I won’t.
I found LIFE in 2009 through God. I will be forever grateful for God. I praise Him and love Him. I know that there is a lot more He will teach me throughout my life and I am so eager to learn and to share His word and love with other people. I am humbled by His humble ways.
Have a healthy and God-filled 2010! <3
In 2009 God sent me into my own little wilderness, I studied and prayed like I never thought I could. Before I started my trip of discovery I had head knowledge of who my Father was but no real revelation of how He loves me as if I was His only son, I began to realize how He cares about every little detail of my life and the lives of every person the was is and will be on earth, I learned what child like faith is! God promises and He delivers end of story. God feeds me and He puts clothes on my back, and He provides the funds for a movie or baseball game, not because I deserve it but because He loves me, because He is my God, my Father,my Daddy,He is Papa!!!
Amen! Our God and Father continues to draw us to Him and to one another.
Time, like a river is rushing into the rapids of tribulations and if you listen, a falls is in the distance. He wants us to experience Him in the deeper levels of His Love. He is calling us together as One Body one Flock, One Fold into the eye of the storm. “My sheep hear my Voice and I know them and they follow me” Jesus, John 10:27 the Voice of Truth
a friend and brother in Christ Jesus, Larry
2009…was a year of extraordinary challenges…battles.I depended on God so much as I have never before, and it was very good.
I know that the “power behind me is much stronger, and more powerful than those in front of me.”
Despite all bad things, that we could make an enormous list of those, 2009 was a miraculous year. And of all things I could learn from God is that He answers our prays before we make them.
God bless you all.
Have a better 2010.
In 2209, I learned that as long as you keep your mind on God. He will keep you through all situations.(good or bad,happy or sad). I also experince that when you are face with a situation.Contuine to Praise and Bless God and He will take care of everything else.In other words: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything else will add unto you.
God Bless
In 2009 I really learned that, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers us from them all.(Psalm 34:19) No matter what the circumstances, I’ve learned to give thanks. For this is the will of God.(1 Thes 5:18) As we learn the Word of truth, I’ve learned that we become the Word ourselves in Christ, when we respond His way.
I learned that He knows me so well that even when I don’t pray for certain things, He blesses me, just because He’s that kind of God, Friend, Comforter, Doctor, whatever you need Him to be. I Am, that I Am.(Exodus 3:13-15) I have been put a leave of absence from work in which I’m self employed. But He didn’t say under what conditions, His Word is true and He is faithful. My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory.(Phil 4:19)
I learned that God is always there no matter how bad or how good a situation is, he answers “”all”” our prays we just need to take the time to notice, in one form or another he answers us we just need to listen and look for the signs that he is there. I’m Here today God to tell you how thankful i am for all the things you do and have done. Thank you Dear God for teaching me, loving me, respecting and protecting I love you and trust you with all my heart,soul and spirit.
In 2009 I learnt to trust God completely to take care of my issues because we can be up against situations that we have no control of and it is only God who can step in and make that difference.
Our life is not ours, it belong to God and we have to allow Him to use it for His honor and glory if we are to see His hand moving in our lives and all that concerns us.
All glory be unto God! In the jjust past year, 2009, although I had known the fact before, I practically experienced that God can be trusted when there is no hope else where. Of a truth, God rose for my help specifically in the last quarter of the year. Once again, all glory, honour, adoration, praises, power, majesty be unto His holy name for ever!!!
In 2009 I learn to have more faith in God’s Word, If He said it, so be it. I didn’t know how to believe what He said and now I do. In PROVERBS 3 it reads… VERSE (5) TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING
VERSE (6) IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS. What God taught me is, if I will trust Him, He will do what His word said it would do. Therefore I was going in the wrong direction in life thinking I could do somethings without God, but the key lesson here was in ALL MY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM. I learn to do just that!
Acknowledge HIM in all things and not try to do it all on my own in my own way.
God has taught me in 2009 that no matter what the economy says the people of God will be blessed. He has taught me to depend on him and his unchanging hand. God has provided my families every need in ’09 exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think. I have learned to make peace with the past so that it doesn’t effect my present. God id good, he has been good, and I beleive that he will continue to be good, and I thank him for what he is to me, my family and my friends. 2009 has taught me that I need to contiue to press toward the mark no matter what is going on in my flesh because it’s the spirit that matters. We thank you Jesus, 2010 is going to be yet another blessed year for the people of God.
Two Thousand Nine was a very interesting year. God was definitely present and Jesus planned each step of the way and His Holy Spirit drifted in and out of our lives as though a peace and sometimes as a strike of warmth and tingling. Even though my husband and I lost our jobs in 2009, for different reasons, we were well taken care of by money God had helped us put away in savings, while still being able to give generously to the Church. My prayer for 2010 is: Come Holy Sweet Spirit; Thank you my friend and Savior, Jesus; Thank you My Awesome God. That should take care of everything!
This is what I thought about 2009, and what I hope for in 2010!