Why do you pray?
Prayer is complicated. Some people pray out of duty, others out of theological understanding and others because they’re just at the end of their rope.
What about you? Why do you pray?
Prayer is complicated. Some people pray out of duty, others out of theological understanding and others because they’re just at the end of their rope.
What about you? Why do you pray?
1. I pray because of obedience to Christ’s call to adhere to Matthew 6:9-13.
2. I pray because I believe prayer changes things.
P.U.S.H. , i.e. pray until something happens.
3. I pray because there is a spiritual realm we have to be in touch with and prayer is the best way to achieve this.
I pray coz i know that my heavenly Father is there to hear me whenever I need Him
I pray because it gives worship to the father, It deepens my intimate relationship with Jesus, It binds his will to mine, and when i pray for and with a person what ever we ask in the name of Jesus comes true. That holy spirit power flows, time and time again. G.B.Y.D.
I pray every time I can think of praying,why?Because I am so very Thankful for everything GOD does in my life every single minute of every single day!
I pray because I want to be close to the father I want to know what he wants me to do each day for the kingdom. I pray because I need to keep a covering over my family. I pray because it is my duty as a Christian a man of God a husband and father. I pray because I love God.
I pray is out of a relationship I have with my Father God. Its one way or the only way to talk to God . It could be out loud or in my thoughts. When praying , I can ask for things , like provision, protection , favour , pray for others or just stand with someone in prayer. Sometimes or most of the times I just share thoughts something i saw in the street , a behaviour I observed at a local convinient shop or just ask Him questions which sometimes are not answered but am happy to just have talked to God who knows all things and always there 24/7.
Its never a duty for me.
I love it because I can do it anytime an every where I am.
The reason why I pray is for communication with GOD so he can help be along the way. I need help with my family and friends. I would like to have an relationship with GOD. He said in EXODUS 20-12 “HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER” When I was young father and mother did not care for me. Honor father and mother is hard for me to do. Please pray for me.
Sis: CG
I will pray for you, Cheryl! It is awesome that you ask God for His help. I pray that God will surround you with people to give the love and support you need today. I thank God that He sent me to this page and for the opportunity to pray for you. You can honour your parents in the way you live every day. I’m sure they’re looking on you from heaven with pride that you are seeking God. Know that your parents are always with you in your heart, and with God who loves you and never leaves you. I pray that God will take care of you and your family always now until the very end. I pray that God will be the Father and Mother to you that you long for. And I pray that when God calls you home, you will be reunited with them once again.
May you find hope, healing, restoration and love abundant in Jesus’ name!
I pray to talk with my Dad He is the ultimate Father and desires a relationship with me all I have to do is speak and I am in prayer. Joel Osteen asks that we consider every word we speak to be a prophecy, I see that as very wise!
I pray because Ineed god to know that Iknow that he is; my savior,my provider, my director of all that I am to do. SO THROUGH PRAYER HE WILL KNOW THAT I AM WAITING FOR HIS WILL FOR ME, AND I KNOW NOT WHAT TO DO WITHOUT HAVING A PERSONAL CONTACT WITH HIM. And because I truly love GOD.
I pray because I want to talk with the Father. I can’t breath or move without the Father’s allowing me to do it and I am so thankful for another day to tell someone else about the love and grace that He has shown me. I love Him and I want to talk to Him each day and throughout the day. I can be driving my bus and talk to Him as though He were sitting in one of the seats. I sure get some strange looks sometimes!
Seriously, I can think of nothing that gives me so much joy as spending time with the Father and listening for His voice.
I pary because I know GOD is listening to me!
And HE is faithful and WILL HELP ME!
I pray because I love the LORD and that is how communicate with Him and I need to communicate with my father because he IS.
I pray because I need direction for life, I pray Because I know that GOD has called me as an intercessor and I am honored that he would even choose and trust me with such a great responsibility so I try to pray a the spirit leads. I pray because I know that I have an audience with the KING
I pray because I want God’s protection for my life and family.
When I pray, I lay my life upon His hands because I can not see the enamy it comes in any direction. Sometimes,eventhough my body is ready
but my spirit is weak. It is the demand of Jesus our Lord that I must
pray. God solve my problem through pray. Pray is my daily breath of life.
Prayer is my verbal communication and conversation to God.
we speak and talk to others, how much more toward him!
i pray because its the best way to mantain my intmace with God. i believe praying is not a time to tell God yr needs but to share with God, cause he is my father, and my friend, as a friend we share every thing as a farther he gives me dirrection. its the best way to know God.
I have read all of the previous posts. They all touch on my reasons to pray. Carry on good soldiers, God bless you all…and I concur
i pray becuase god is real and he answers our call daily if we believe what we ask for amen
I pray for it is the devine will of God for us to do,He create us, we belong to Him,He instructs us on how to live our lives and how to have that intimate relationship with Him in order to fulfill destiny as we journey toward the finish completing purpose along the way and fulfilling His will.I pray for the removal of obstacles that will try to interfear and take me off course and for the impartation, activation,demonstration, and revelation knowledge of His divine will for our lives.
Prayer. We are called by God to be a house of prayer.In reading the bible prayer is the main thing that the born again christian was to do. Eph 6:18; phil 4:6; col 4:2, and there are many more available. That is why i pray!
Prayer is a means of communication and for me it depends on how i am feeling, what i want at that moment. Right i am like Hannah, i am praying for a baby. Sometimes I pray so that i would feel close to God and at times i pray to thank God. Sometimes i pray to pour my heart onto the Lord.
You know, no matter how much people love you, they cannot be there for you 24/7 but God can do this. I pray because I need God’s help, because I need someone to talk to at any point in time of the day, because God knows how to do/solve everything. He actually is the one to be talked to all the time and He is always ready to listen to me.
I pray because I owe the honor and glory to my savior Jesus Christ, he bore all my sins and sickness on the cross, plus I have a direct line to call upon him at any time and moment. Jesus Christ is my Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, The Mighty God and the Everlasting Father.
to me prayer is talking to Jesus, or God. I thank him for everything he is giving me. I also pray(ask God) to help all the people in the world. There many people who need God’s help, and they dont ask him (because they dont him). So I ask God to help them and not forget them (although i doubt that he does). Prayer should not be just reciting “our father in heaven” or anyother prayer while our thoughts are completly somewhere else.
i pray because, i have faith in a man who created the earth and heaven, thas my God , becouse of faith abraham saw the promised land. and i pray becouse i trust in my Lord and have all my faith in him. he is the lord and that is his name he will never share his name with anybody. he deserve my prayers for his love for me and the world
I pray because I need prayer and answers. Christ instructs us to pray and even gives examples as well as He prayed on many occasions especially when in the garden.
God says “ask and you shall receive and knock and it shall open.
I love our God!!!!
I pray cause I need to thank god for all is has done for my family , friends,relatives and me.I trust in him and he knows my needs.I ask for forgaveness nad guidance and he has all the power.
I pray because I have a voice and need to be heard! I am confident that God is fully aware of me as an individual and see me that I am in pursue of him and that he and he along has won my heart. I know every word in the bible is true and that he really did send his only, yes only begotten to bring me to him so that I would be able to stand before him and God not see me, Virginia, thatGod would see His son whom He said He is well pleased!
Prayer allows me access to the very throne-room of my heavenly Father. What blows me a way is the thought that I am actually connecting with the very ONE who created heaven and earth. God answers all of my prayers, but sometimes it is not according to my will and wants, but to HIS will. It is what ultimately becomes part of my Heavenly Father’s fulfilling the plan and purpose He has for my life. I love Psalm 139 as it gives me a glimpse into the “why” and “how” I was created in the first place.
i think prayers simple means,the only way that we can communicate with God,you and i knows what we want God to do for us
I pray co’z that’s the way God has commanded us to make our needs known before Him and thanking Him for the wonderful things He is doing on my life daily
I pray when I need love and help in my life, when I have gone down the wrong path, or when I need uplifting.
I lost my wife Nov. 7,2009 I am a christian but I am a lonesome, depressed man. I pray to my GOD but relief has not come.
When I pray I communicate.
I communicate my needs, protection, ask help and guidance.
I communicate my thanksgiving.
I communicate my anguish, Anger, fustration, helpness.
Many times I dont pray out of Fustration, I remain silent but at the same time thinking…. remaining silent with blank mind focussing on god is also a prayer for me. It doesnt become a routine then.
to sustain any realation there has to be a communication. prayer is my communication with my father in heaven. of course there is a 2 way communication. me talking to the Father and He talking to me.