How Does Being a Boy Scout Effect a Child’s Spiritual Growth?
The Boy Scouts of America celebrated their 100 hundredth birthday yesterday!
While it’s not an explicitly Christian organization, many of its volunteers are Christians, and many of the groups meet in churches. I’d be willing to bet that a good number of our readers have fond memories of their scouting days.
How do you think membership in youth organizations like the Boy Scouts influences a young person’s spiritual growth? Were you a member of such an organization, and is it something that helped or hinder your faith?
Morals, Character, Honor thy father and mother, Respect for our elders, Do good daily,trustworthy, brave, clean, & REVERANT. We Had to know civics, life saving,team work,leadership,and loyalty. All at an age when we could of chosen to be gang-bangers etc. We pledged allegiance to the flag and prayed every day in public school. Thank GOD For this country and its bible believing founding fathers. Yes, Boy Scouts has helped my faith. The one who has faith can do all things. Mark 9:23 Eagle Scout 1969 #744
Being a a teenager brought up in Buddhism family background in Malaysia, and having involved 6 years in Boy Scouts while in high school did brought me a lot of fond memories! (I wasn’t a Christian then) We did not gather in church but I can recall there were a number of outstanding leaders who were Christians though they never witness to the boys… Through Boy Scouts, I’ve learnt to appreciate God’s creation and acquire many skills through training. When come to functions like gathering and campfire, the music/ songs were quite a mix – secular and Scout songs. As I know Boys Brigate does instill Christian values and singing hymms in all the activities.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed those good old days with other boys!
….Be Prepared
I am an Eagle Scout and currently am part of a troop where my 11 year old boy just joined Boy Scouts.
There are SO many fond memories and excellent opportunities for boys to grow into leaders. They learn to serve their community in projects, serve their schools in recycling and beautification projects. They respect their flag and country and learn God based, character based, history based actions of service to country, community and their Troop.
I have to say it is a life transforming experience for most boys with (and I say this is critical) a strong support from his parents within the scouts.
That said.. there is another side I wonder about.. There are MANY LDS members (Mormon) that are part of the Northwest US Troops and I understand it is a criteria for advancement in the Mormon Church… not sure.. but… this makes me wonder about the Legalism focus of Christianity and how Boy Scouts focus on merit badges, patches.. and EARNING goodness and respect and leadership.. that it can thwart Holy Spirit Liberty in God that has no legalism focus and Jesus by grace and our faith saves us …not by our works…
Well, I wasn’t a scout — I was a Cadet ( And belonging to a ministry where the leaders were expected to openly share and live their Christian faith had a profound influence on my life. Bible study was a regular part of our evening meetings — which was important, but just working along side a Christian man when building a bird house, or learning my knots, was the best “schooling” in Christlike living I ever had. What was most impressive to me is that many of the men who were my counselors were not “important” people in the business world, or among the leaders in the church — they were just humble servants who were willing to spend some time with me and share simple truths about what it meant to be a Christian in the real world. What a blessing!
Happy Birthday, Boy Scouts of America!
I do appreciate the memories that I had being a Boy Scout & Troop leader (#970). The troop assembled at a Non-demonational church. Eventhough, I was a young man and didn’t really know about being a Christian. There were principles that were thought by the leaders that were Christians of our troop. Being examples for young men that didn’t have many positive role models in there life at a early age. Experiencing opportunities to learn a craft,fish,practice a skill,or develop techniques that can be used in the future.
“Be prepared”, is the motto from the Boy Scouts of America that I still try to follow in my daily life.
Today, I can appreciate the examples that were given by my troop leaders and fellow scouts to develop the Christian growth that I strive to practice on a daily bases.
Thanks again,
I was a Cub Scout and later a Venture from camping, to wrestling, rifle range, canoeing, archery these activities taught me sportsmanship, brotherhood,accepting criticism and giving encouragement, following orders and most importantly recognizing the value of rewards and disciple received in the TRUTH of right and wrong, good and evil, making the historic stories in the BIBLE as real and relevant today as they were over 2000 years ago.
Membership of the Scout Movement in Surrey, England, helped me with morals and social behaviour. As to Christian faith, scouting alone was insufficient to enhance my faith.