Introducing Muslims to Jesus… through the Koran

Reaching out to Muslims with the Gospel message is one of the most challenging evangelistic tasks the church faces. How do you share the message of Jesus when your audience is prepared to dismiss the Bible, and most common evangelism approaches, out of hand?

It’s no surprise, given the heated debates and apologetics that characterize much of the interaction Christian evangelists and Muslims, that missionaries would look for different outreach strategies.

One such alternate evangelism approach tries to do exactly that, but it’s not without detractors. It’s called the “Camel Method,” and it introduces people to Jesus not through the Bible, but through a book that’s much more familiar to most Muslims: the Koran. A New York Times article last month illuminated a growing controversy in missionary circles:

Instead of talking about the Jesus of the New Testament, missionaries using the Camel Method point Muslims to the Koran, where in the third chapter, or sura, an infant named Isa — Arabic for Jesus — is born. Missionaries have found that by starting with the Koran’s Jesus story, they can make inroads with Muslims who reject the Bible out of hand. But according to [Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary president] Dr. Caner… the idea that the Koran can contain the seeds of Christian faith is “an absolute, fundamental deception.”

David Garrison, a missionary who edited a book on the Camel Method by Kevin Greeson, the method’s developer, defends the use of the Koran as a path to Jesus. “You aren’t criticizing Muhammad or any other prophets,” Dr. Garrison said, “just raising Jesus up.”

The “camel method” has been criticized by many Christians for introducing Muslims to a non-Biblical Jesus, and some call it a “bait-and-switch” evangelism technique. But defenders of the practice claim that starting with the Koran, rather than the Bible, lets missionaries avoid predictable and unproductive debates.

They also say that starting with the Koran avoids giving Muslims the impression that you are attacking their faith and leaves them more open to dialogue. A Christianity Today article notes that:

International Mission Board trustees found the method valid after a 2007 investigation that included issuing principles of contextualization. “Historically, a missions approach has been to extricate Muslims from their community once they converted, which didn’t do much for planting the gospel among Muslims,” [IMB president Jerry Rankin] said.

An IMB-sponsored survey in 2002 found some 125,000 Muslims who had come to faith in Christ through the camel method, been baptized, and were orthodox in their practices.

Joseph Cumming of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture […] estimates that 90 percent of missionaries living among Muslims refer to verses in the Qur’an without inciting the heated arguments found in the U.S.

What do you think? Is it dangerous to use a non-Christian text like the Koran as a first step in evangelism? Or is it worthwhile if it lets missionaries avoid pointless debates and out of hand rejection?

Share your thoughts!

17 Responses to “Introducing Muslims to Jesus… through the Koran”

  • i don’t know anything about the Koran,but if it talk’s about the same JESUS CHRIST that’s in the gospel’s it’s a good starting point for evangelism.i thing the important thing is not weather it’s the Bible or the Koran,but rather talking about JESUS CHRIST.

  • Anne says:

    One time very early in the morning God woke me up, 4am to pray for a particular person I knew and pray for seven days. Of course my expression was, “what! this early and 7days?” But then I did it for 7 days. She has her own belief and so worldly. We didn’t even talk yet about Jesus but she knew I was born again. I prayed for her salvation,
    her family and everything about her. For seven days and early morning she doesn’t know that there was someone praying and weeping for her.
    On the 8th day, that was Saturday, I saw her and she told me that she wanted to go with me in our church the next day Sunday. And she did the next morning, she was very happy accepting the Lord Jesus that day. And I asked her how come she became interested joining our church and she said, “because I see something different in you, something that I couldn’t explain.”
    I agree with john wheaton, I think it doesn’t matter whether the Bible or Koran, it is Jesus Christ that matters. And I am sure that God will be there and will take care of everything like what he did to me. As long as there is a seed of prayer, God will move.

    • Dean says:

      Awesome!!!!! That’s the result not of “witnessing” (which is necessary), but, “being” a witness with your lifestyle.

  • Roni Schoultz says:

    Jesus said in His Word let the method be as it is even if no blessing can be bestowed on the person the messages will be blessed; listining to the diciples complaining that a non-christian speak and teaches Jesus and His ways.

    The method is inmaterial, its the seed and results for Jesus that count.

  • Mary says:

    Let’s lead them to Jesus, get them in the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to grow them. Absolutely find common ground and move forward from there.

  • Enos Akisani says:

    I think its good but in other way round you are trying to tell them that the quran is also from Jehovah(which is not)

  • harriet says:

    hello I’m a 12 year old atheist (please don’t shout at me) and I’m confused about what creationists actually believe about scientific facts. I have a few questions:
    What are creationist beliefs towards particle physics? Did God design the particle and all the quarks or was it an accident?
    Did God create rest of the universe before he created Earth (which we have considerable evidence that the universe is older than earth) and if he did, does that make us just another planet around another star to him?
    If God just makes stuff by making it, why can we see stars being made?
    We can also see stars being destroyed, and ours is slowly detiriorating. If God knows everything, then he must know we’re going to die. Does that mean he has planned our end?
    I know this has nothing to do with your blog but I’m really confused and when I try to ask my creationist friends they say its too confusing.

    • Dean says:

      What are creationist beliefs towards particle physics?
      – God created particles. You might be combining several questions into one, which is called “oversimplification”.
      It’s kind of like asking, “what do you think of language?”
      What area of particle physics / language are you referring to?

      Did God design the particle and all the quarks or was it an accident?
      Nothing is by accident. A true God is omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all knowing). Nothing was created, that was created, except that which was created through God speaking it into existance.

      Did God create rest of the universe before he created Earth (which we have considerable evidence that the universe is older than earth) and if he did, does that make us just another planet around another star to him?
      Yes, the rest of the universe was created before the Earth.
      When you ask the second part, are you asking if there is a special reason for the Earth or is it just a useless exercise to Him?
      To answer those questions, 1., there is a special reason for the Earth, and that is to bring Him glory. On the Earth, He created mankind (men & women) in His image. He gave us a free choice to accept or reject Him. We can be our own “little gods”, answerable only to ourselves, violating the first and great command of the ten commandments, or we can submit and yield ourselves to Him and accept Him as God.
      On the 2nd question, is the earth just a useless exercise, no, for God does not create without purpose. Everything has a purpose, even if we can not see it, analyze it, detect it, or know of its existance. Why do we have mosquitos? I don’t know. But I know they’re there. Maybe God wants us to discover how to use them to innoculate mass quantities of people?

      If God just makes stuff by making it, why can we see stars being made?
      Isn’t that kind of like saying, “because I can see it happen, therefore God couldn’t do it.”
      Perhaps you think Christians believe that all things were created at one time, and nothing is being created now? Well, we actually believe that God is continuing to create. That’s why we can see stars forming and dieing. That’s why we can witness the growth of a baby in the womb. What is so different from witnessing one hidden event, from witnessing another hidden event?

      We can also see stars being destroyed, and ours is slowly detiriorating. If God knows everything, then he must know we’re going to die. Does that mean he has planned our end?
      Yes, He has planned our end. He has told us in the Bible that not only is it appointed once unto man to die, but that this Earth will be destroyed and recreated.
      Because He has planned our end, it is for a reason. If you choose to accept His way to salvation, you choose to escape the wrath of those who reject Him. If you want to try it on your own, I’d have to ask why.

      I know this has nothing to do with your blog but I’m really confused and when I try to ask my creationist friends they say its too confusing.
      Please remember, your friends are probably around your age. You might want to ask those Creationist scientists, if you are honestly interested in hearing answers to your questions. Why go to those you know don’t have the ability to answer complex questions? If you are intellectually honest, and I am sure you are, try these resources:

  • Johnny says:

    I have one of their dvd’s, though I am not a big fan. Everytime I quote the quran in they way they present it makes the quran quotable. If the Bible was not changed the Quran is not a book from God. It is much easier to go from that angle than trying to learn all the Quran…

  • ChaosUntamed says:

    Regarding your questions,
    “What are creationists beliefs toward physics?” If it is there, then God intentionally made it. There are no accidents.
    “Did God create the rest of the universe before Earth?” The Bible doesn’t tell us so there is no correct answer, we can only speculate based on what we see. And we are not just another planet around the star, we are His children.
    “If God just makes stuff by making it, then why can we see stars being made?” This goes into physics and the speed of light and how far we are away from something. We may just be seeing God make stuff, but nothing comes to being apart from God. This claim is backed up by Newton’s (2nd?)law, matter cannot be created of destroyed. But because God isn’t bound by our laws, he can create or destroy matter.
    “If God knows everything does this mean he has planned our end?” Yes he has, but not in the form of a star exploding. In the book of Revelation, God describes to us what the last days will be like, eventually coming to the end when Jesus Christ comes again, which will be the end of this world.
    I hope I answered all your questions.

  • Mark says:

    I thought Mary’s comment above was the smartest thing I have heard in a long time.
    “Let’s lead them to Jesus, get them in the Word and allow the Holy Spirit to grow them. Absolutely find common ground and move forward from there.”

    As a Christian I see many truths in the Quran. I do believe it is best to begin on a point of agreement if we are to persuade them of the bible’s truth.


  • Sabrah says:

    First off, let me say, I’m Muslim. I’m not here to stirr up trouble, but it does seem a little tricky to try that. Our concept of Jesus (A) is very different than Christians and I don’t think it’s honest to present only half of what your religion really says and not the whole. Of course focusing on similarities is great, but if you’re doing that to convert us to Chrisitanity and not have a peaceful understanding then I think you’re not being very considerate or understanding of other people.

  • June says:

    The best way to introduce anyone to Jesus is to be like Him. He created all mankind in His image and loves all, no matter what they believe. We are they only Jesus they will see on this earth until He returns. He loves everyone unconditionally; no matter what religion or background. God so loved the world, that He gave and we need to be like Him and give His love away.

  • Loren says:

    Read Acts 17:16-34. Paul gives us a perfect example of meeting people where they are, and entering into their frame of reference. Paul uses the statue to an “unknown god” as a tool to introduce the Gospel in a way these idolaters will understand. His approach is creative, brilliant, and in every way Christ-honoring.

    Folks, God gave us brains and a dollop of His creative character for a reason. Use what you can–anything that’s not directly prohibited in scripture–to reach people. Get creative. Try a different approach. Use a different translation. Discuss a movie. Don’t speak Christianese.

    Jesus Himself exhibited great creativity in His methods to reach, teach and heal people. Should we do any less?

  • Fatima says:

    I’m a Muslim and was looking for an online Bible when I came across this page. I had a few questions regarding Jesus Christ(pbuh)because no doubt, there are many similarities between Islam and Christianity, however there are differences too. I beleive the best thing is to find common grounds between the two religions and at least agree to follow them, the differences, we can talk about tomorrow. e.g. every single christian I have come across here in the UK eats pork when it is clearly forbidden in the Bible (Deutronomy 14;8)
    This is just one thing, there are others which I would like to discuss if any christian would be willing to explain please? Thank you so much

  • Kenneth M. Bee says:

    The Bible is the inspired word of God. Using the Quran to teach Jesus to our Muslim friends can be better done using the true word of God, the Bible. The Bible is a beautiful account of the son of God, Jesus the Christ. Jesus says that No one comes to the Father,(God) but by Me. There is no other way to get to Heaven then through the Blood of Jesus. Jesus says that I am the mediator between God and Man. Jesus is the Messiah, The Chosen one that the Jews were waiting for. It is all about Jesus, no one else. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the light. Jesus says If you’ve seen me you have seen the Father. God sent his son,(Jesus) into the world to save the lost,(us)by Shedding his Blood on the Cross as a sacrifice for Our sin’s. To pay the price for our souls. Jesus paid it all on Calvary’s Cross. Jesus was with out sin but took on the sin’s of the world. Its ALL about JESUS, JESUS, the Son of God. If you don’t get this from the Quran, your reading the wrong book and I am praying for you that you search and find JESUS

  • Kenneth M. Bee says:

    Sorry, I misspelled the word Koran. God Bless You