Today’s Devotional: Obedience in the absence of authority
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples had a choice: they could either return to their old ways or continue on the path that Jesus set before them. It was like leaving a kid at home for the first time: would they honor what they had been told, or immediately start bending and breaking the rules?
This devotional from Words of Hope points out that as followers of Christ we are to faithfully obey Jesus’ teachings even in his absence:
Christ has ascended and is no longer physically with us. We cannot see him. We cannot hear his words or feel his comforting touch. It would easy enough for us to tell ourselves that we have many years left on earth and that we should “relax, eat, drink, be merry” (Luke 12:19). But his followers still obey out of faith. They know that there are reasons Jesus tells them to do certain things that go beyond immediate perception or instant satisfaction.
Faith gets followers looking up, not around. Faith finds in the ascension obedience, not excuses.
Do you find it hard to stay obedient when you know no one is watching?