Comments on: Today’s devotional: “should” versus “want” /blog/index.php/2010/06/14/todays-devotional-should-versus-want/ News and happenings from around Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:17:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lawrence /blog/index.php/2010/06/14/todays-devotional-should-versus-want/comment-page-1/#comment-46422 Tue, 15 Jun 2010 10:02:55 +0000 /blog/?p=4964#comment-46422 There is a truly great book out there about this very subject. It has been more meaningful to me than any other Christian book (except of course the Bible). It is “Thy Will Be Done On Earth” by Robert Lloyd Russell. Anyone seeking to live more consistently in God’s will would love this book – I’m rereading it every 3 months (it is an easy read – but profound).

By: Sean Scott /blog/index.php/2010/06/14/todays-devotional-should-versus-want/comment-page-1/#comment-46372 Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:49:55 +0000 /blog/?p=4964#comment-46372 It is my belief that in each and every moment the battle between good and evil is being fought inside each one of us. “Should” opposed to “want” is certainly a tricky issue, but one must pray and meditate to discover the motivation for those desires when deciding what action to take.

God’s plan takes precedence over all else. Many times our “wants” are selfishly derived and will not help, or could possibly even harm, the work of Christ in our world. We want an abundant supply of oil so we can freely drive ourselves around in our vehicles and use many, many plastics and other items that make our lives comfortable and convenient. But this want has proven to come with terrible prices at times, in the form of wars, economic hardship, and ecological disasters.

We must balance whether our wants help God or not. Will doing what we want to do bring glory to God, or only to ourselves?

Certainly God has gifted each one of us with different abilities and talents. We are created in His image, but not all exactly alike. God uses our lives to mold and shape us into the people He wants so we can be used as tools for His plan. Part of this involves having enthusiasm for certain things or activities. Of course we should pursue doing those things as part of working for God that we most enjoy using the spiritual gifts we are given. That is what God intends for us to do.

But there are also those little battles within where we know what is right and what is wrong. Choosing to do the “shoulds” is not always easy. It is not always easy to do the right thing, nor is it always easy to be obedient to God’s will.

But we do pray “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” We should mean what we pray. Even if it isn’t what we want.
