Common objections to the faith: Where’s the evidence for the Biblical account of history?

It’s time for another entry in our series of posts about common objections to Christianity. In each post, we present an often-heard objection to the Christian faith and ask for your response, in your own words.

Imagine that a friend has challenged you with this objection, and that you don’t have access to any books, sermons, or other publications to which you can refer them. They want to hear your response, in your own words!

How would you respond to this statement:

The archaeological evidence for much of the history of the Old Testament is shaky—archaeologists are divided about whether the evidence supports the Exodus, the Israelite campaign against Canaan, and other key points of Biblical history. And anytime somebody claims to have find archaeological evidence for a miraculous item or event like Noah’s Ark or the Resurrection, the evidence turns out to be mistaken or fabricated. If the Bible’s account of history were really true, there would be definitive evidence for it.

Previous posts in this series:

  • The church is full of hypocrites!
  • Does prayer really work?
  • Why does God allow Hell to exist?
  • Did God endorse genocide?
  • 6 Responses to “Common objections to the faith: Where’s the evidence for the Biblical account of history?”

    • Carlos R. Flores says:

      well if you’re looking for evidence there are plenty that have been recorded. If you don’t want to believe in the old testament then what’s the point in believing the rest? even that there is a god?

    • Andrew W says:

      To me God wants us to have FAITH. Faith would not be necessary if we were left with proof of everything that he has done throughout history.

    • I think the question needs to be validated for the multitude who ask the question from the perspective of an unspiritual, unregenerate mind. God opens eyes. I think that critical point needs to be remembered. It is not that we are a group of above-average thinkers who were “intelligent enough to figure it all out”. God blessed us by opening our eyes.
      I do agree that there is plenty of evidence out there, but a heart hardened by sin, will not admit it even if they did see it. We don’t need to look any further than Jesus’ immediate circumstances to see the religious leaders of His day doing that very same thing to Him when presented with prophetic fullfillment right before their eyes. They, of all people, were able to understand and interpret the evidence that Jesus laid out concerning His identity and the work of God through Him, but they hardened their hearts against it.
      I think the question posted, should lead us to pray for God to open the eyes of those afflicted by the hardness of their own hearts. The follow on then should lead us to understand that the question isn’t really, “Where’s all the evidence?”, but “What is blinding others (me) from the evidence?”
      Thanks for the intelligent question and pertinent discussion.

    • kathy says:

      All the evidence i’ll ever need is the Holy Spirit residing within !

    • Pat says:

      Even though there may not be material evidence, they should look around them and at themselves. The human body is an awesome creation as well as the world and how it works. Watching the seasons change and animals, birds flying…..God did that! That’s the evidence that’s pretty clear. Open your eyes and look and think about it.

    • dand says:

      It takes faith to beleive.Even thomas,one of Jesus disciple doubted him.But even when we see miracles, signs or evidence it will be meaningless if our heart is hardened. Just like what happened in egypt to pharaoh in times of moses and the plagues.This will also happen in the tribulation when God poured out his judgement.People will see signs and miracles even right now. Instead of believing in Him, they will curse God. The Bible is not new about this. The bible already foretold us this kind of people.I think ,the best evidence you can give is not your words but your life itself.