Comments on: Today’s Devotional: Inspirational Dissatisfaction /blog/index.php/2010/08/31/todays-devotional-inspirational-dissatisfaction/ News and happenings from around Thu, 30 Jun 2011 00:17:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Claudia /blog/index.php/2010/08/31/todays-devotional-inspirational-dissatisfaction/comment-page-1/#comment-71968 Mon, 11 Oct 2010 00:49:33 +0000 /blog/?p=5425#comment-71968 Jacelyn,
I have had the same feeling for other circumstances until yesterday God spoke to me clearly through a sermon. My circumstances have not changed (yet), but I got encouraged to grasp firm to His hand.
God does not let down where we cry to Him, where we long to do His will, even if sometimes our decisions might be wrong: He honours where we place our trust in Him. Keep to what He has told you. He will not let you down!
One sentence that encouraged me to do so:
God’s provision for struggles (and so should be our focus): not to get OUT OF TRIALS but STAY IN DEEP CONECTION WITH HIM through these times! Push your roots deep down. It costs and hurts, but there is great reward!

By: Jaclyn Morrow /blog/index.php/2010/08/31/todays-devotional-inspirational-dissatisfaction/comment-page-1/#comment-62263 Sun, 12 Sep 2010 13:21:31 +0000 /blog/?p=5425#comment-62263 I have just moved to a new state, using the last of my resources to do so, expecting to have sold a home soon upon arrival. The house didn’t sell, I am so lonely widowed and far from my children and grandchildren. I moved anticipating the opportunity to care for my mother in the estate my brother left us with in January that has debt from his remodel after our parents and I had built it as a refuge for retirement. I hold to the dream God gave me to care for both young ones and old ones in one location, but am so frustrated in this move, lonely, and foggy as to how to keep the home when the world and Christian’s in place to guide my mother’s affairs look more at the worldly aspects than the spiritual of passing on to other family the truth instilled by working together for God’s glory, and focus on the dollar and world.
I am very frustrated, and have to live this through for the year contract of my teaching position. Is this my place to be refined like silver, or do I have another cauldren I should move to? Lord, I am so feeble of mind, restore communication with me to lead and guide me. You left many doors open in this change forced upon me, how can I find your will if I went through the door I understood you had for me, but do not see the path to take?
