Is Scripture Wholly Trustworthy?

Over the past few weeks I’ve been thinking about the baggage that we bring with us when we approach Scripture. Anytime we open the Bible, a host of competing voices from our past and present jockey to offer an interpretation of what we’re reading. I often find it hard to silence those voices and just listen to what God has for me. What kicked off this thought process was a convicting question at Near Emmaus: “If Scripture is not trustworthy where it bothers you, then why assume it is trustworthy where it does not?” Here’s an excerpt from the post:

If YHWH God seems angry and vindictive, they assume that Scripture is wrong. If there are passages that use language that makes us feel a bit of uneasy in our modern, scientific world-view, they assume Scripture is wrong. If there are passages that present eschatological statements that seem confusing and/or cryptic, they assume Scripture is wrong. If we read passages where Jesus is seen as cosmic judge, they assume Scripture is wrong. If Jesus says love your neighbor, Scripture is obviously right then. If it condemns those who do not take care of the orphan and the widow, then the ethics of Scripture make sense as do threats of judgment. If it says God is love, well, we like that so it must be right.

Read the rest of the post and the comments at I’ve tried to keep this in mind as I’ve done my personal Bible study over the past week (credit michele here). It’s been difficult, but worthwhile. Are there specific passages or books that you find difficult to approach from the standpoint of “This is trustworthy?”

3 Responses to “Is Scripture Wholly Trustworthy?”

  • Naomi says:

    Usually when we read Scripture and come across a passage that we find hard to understand, feel isn’t necessary or seems abrasive with our moral views in society, we either believe it whole-heartedly on the basis that it’s the Word of God, or we brush it under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist.

    I think many people’s problem is that they don’t delve deeper into what the Scripture is actually telling them. If more research was carried out, for example historial research to gather information of Jesus’ life or culture etc, we could possibly gain a better understanding.

    Surface readings rarely ever communicate to the reader the depth of the content. It’s silly to make impulsive judgements without thinking more about what the Word of God is conveying.

    • vincent says:

      i agree with you totally naomi, the bible tells us to search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have life. naomi, it just makes common sense to find out everything there is to know about the one that we claim to love. vincent.

  • Vern Shipley says:

    I’ve struggled with it at times but through the Holy Spirit in me I know that wither I like it or not All Scripture is trustworthy and is the living Word of God!