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Understanding Your Bible
Ms. Kathy says: My name is Kathy, I'm reading this passage this morning in my study time Deuteronomy 9:1-6- and as I'm asking Holy Spirit to comprehend this passage to me. I'm getting out of it is: Go Get Your Stuff Today! not tomorrow and don't think it was all of you cause you know we can get so prideful at times. If you have any additional notes or guidelines that are enable me to study better I appreciate much. Ms.Kathy, Alabama.

Table - a Christian perspective
Andy says: I agree -- what a wonderful verse. I usually use the NIV, but the KJV renders this verse in such a poetic way.

"As for me and my house": Joshua 24:15
Deborah Smith says: I'm trying to find out if Joshua had a son or brother and what were their names.

Fallen angel - a Christian perspective
Andy says: Caroline, I think the general consensus is that demons and fallen angels are the same thing -- the angels that fell from heaven are the demons and evil spirits described in various places in the Bible. There are numerous Bible verses that touch on this, but take a look at Jude 1:6 and 2 Peter 2:4 for starters. There are also some passages that mention "the devil and his angels." But that's about the limit of my knowledge on the subject. Can anybody else weigh in on the devil/angel connection? Any good verses that describe them more clearly?

Baptized in the Bible: Mark 16:16
judy shaw says: He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved...this scripture gives credance to people who believe baptism is essential to being saved. Does the Bible teach baptism is essential to salvation?

Rapture in the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
Andy says: Thanks for providing your thoughts, Shan05! Anybody else care to agree or disagree with Shan05's answer?

StudyBibleForum.com - Ask Bible questions and give answers
anita says: what does the nails represent when Jesus was nailed to the crsoss? why was Jesus so sorrowful to go to the cross?

1 Thessalonians
Donald B. Honeyghan says: Here's my observation that I think might be helpful in establishing the date of Paul's writing I Thessalonians: In chapter 1, vs 14-16 of this letter Paul states, "For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, (15) who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men (16) in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last (Or: upon them fully)," NIV Note the last sentence. While Paul is certainly not gloating about God's wrath coming upon the Jews, He certainly seems to be referring to some significant punishment being unleashed on the Jews of his day for their sins in rejecting and condemning to death the Lord Jesus and His prophets as well as their relentless persecution of the Jewish believers in Jesus. What other such calamity could he be referring to, apart from the sacking and destruction of Jerusalem by Titus' men in 50 A.D. ? It is obvious then, that Paul must have written I Thessalonians at least after (quite likely shortly after) this event.

Pray for those who mistreat you - a Christian perspective
Andy says: Thanks for sharing your prayer requests, Mary. Your family is fortunate to have somebody praying for them so faithfully.

Sabbath in the Bible - a Christian perspective
Andy says: CKV27 has it, I think--the Old Testament Sabbath was the last day of the week, Saturday. But most Christians today worship on Sunday in acknowledgement of Jesus' resurrection and the fulfillment of the law. I was doing some reading on this lately and found this essay on the Sabbath/Sunday issue helpful: http://www.kencollins.com/question-42.htm