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Donkey in the Bible: Matthew 21:1-11
jackhd says: Spurgeon - the lamb dies but the donkey lives (because of the Lamb) it appears the honour of carring Jesus into Jerusalem shows the honour we have of sharing with the world His Life as the "as" who can be seen as "a living sacrifice" John Dixon johnhdhd@yahoo.com

Your Personal Trust Walk - #5822
mimi says: I have been struggling to recognize where God is leading me as far as employment goes. I don't seem to know what I am listening for or watching for to know if it is God that is leading me or what I want..Not sure. would appreciate any help that would let me know how I am suppose to know it is God leading me

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Security in Stormy Times
dthomas says: Thank a million for being here!!!!

Forget - a Christian perspective
anniemoore07 says: inspiring. thank you.

barbara minter says: Do you have an in depth study of the Gospel of John?

Back to the Bible - Making the Most of Your Christian Life
Christine says: looking for study materal for a group of teens.

Sex Addict Quiz for Symptoms of Pornography Addiction: Am I A Sex Addict or Porn Addict?
paul sexton says: I believe that i have a problem with sexual promiscuity and pornography and i am actively looking for answers to free me from my issues. Please help me and give me guidance on where to turn to.

E-Word Today E-mail Devotional
Andy says: Paul, if you go to the E-Word Today website, you can subscribe to get daily email messages on their homepage: http://www.ewordtoday.com/ . Hope that helps!

Water into wine - a Christian perspective
martha says: Everyone who drinks or likes wine, justify themselves in doing so, just because they say that Jesus turned water into wine, so why is it wrong to drink wine.

How Should a Christian Respond to “Gay Marriage”? - Answers in Genesis
MusicianlyMan says: Jordan, you are correct. Homosexuality is not a sin as long as it does not break any of the laws. But Jordan, since it does break God's law, then it is in fact a sin. Detestable is a word God uses through Moses to describe homosexuality (NIV). For one example of this, please read Leviticus 18, specifically verse 22. But don't stop with that, read the entire chapter, so as to have context to what God is trying to explain to His creation. He has created us with certain functions, sexual functions being one of them. But when these things become perverted and corrupted, or defiled, it is against the very nature He intended. You do not come out of the womb thinking you are in love with the same sex. That is the influence of the world as your mind develops which causes this sinful thought. I didn't plan on writing so much, just wanted to post the verse really. But come on, if you are going to argue with scripture as your weapon, know the scripture. Yes, we need to fight for the other issues just as hard as homosexuality...but why shouldn't we fight homosexuality just as hard as we should fight other sins?