Gospel.com Topics Feed - Authority Of Scripture 2008-04-29T15:10:54-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/authority+of+scripture/ Cults and Heresies - Faith Facts http://faithfacts.org/world-religions-and-theology/cults-and-heresies 2008-04-29T15:10:54-05:00 This article hopes to give a defense for the historic orthodox Christian faith. The circle of those to be considered Christians is pretty large. But there are groups that simply cannot be considered within the circle: the cultic or heretical groups. We'll also examine the Christian fringe. Is the Bible really "God's Word?" - Faith Facts http://faithfacts.org/search-for-truth/questions-of-christians/is-the-bible-really-gods-word 2008-04-26T19:13:12-05:00 The historic Christian church's faith in the infallibility of Scripture (in the original manuscripts) is established on the basis of Christ's view of Scripture. Look at 10 tests that logically show that the Bible is from God and more....