Gospel.com Topics Feed - Bunyan
2011-08-15T12:42:04-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/bunyan/Why infographics are so important in communicationhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/49972011-08-15T12:42:04-05:00
Since the Internet has become the source of information and transferred our location of knowledge from paper to digital formats, the infographic has become a form of communication that combines image and word to create a specific way to convey and synthesize knowledge. Contrast in infographics - the Social Universe versus Bunyanhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/43762011-05-27T09:33:02-05:00
Two very different infographics here, with three and a half centuries between them! First, the GeoSocial Universe according to TechCrunch. Then, showing that infographics are nothing new, John Bunyan's Ordo Salutis.