Gospel.com Topics Feed - Christian Fantasy 2010-12-10T13:56:44-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/christian+fantasy/ Life and Religion Are One | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/chm/nineteenth-century/macdonald/ 2010-12-10T13:56:44-05:00 Rolland Hein tells the story of influential George MacDonald, Scottish preacher, novelist and example for later fantasists such as C.S. Lewis. From Christian History Magazine. Hearts in Training | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/chm/twentieth-century/lewis-fiction/ 2010-12-10T13:50:34-05:00 Doris T. Myers takes a brief walk through the fiction writings of Christian apologist C.S. Lewis; from Christian History Magazine.