Gospel.com Topics Feed - Diaspora 2008-07-09T15:19:34-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/diaspora/ LWP - African-led Christianity in Europe: Migration and Diaspora Evangelism http://lausanneworldpulse.com/themedarticles.php/973 2008-07-09T15:19:34-05:00 In African hands, mission and evangelization have truly gone international, and African diaspora Christianity is at the forefront of the new initiatives. LWP- Migration and Evangelism http://lausanneworldpulse.com/leadershipmemo/974 2008-07-09T15:12:23-05:00 With the world becoming flat, how do churches, which by and large don’t even reach the people most like them, reach the people least like them? Divine Intervention among Diaspora Iranians: A Brief Look at United Kingdom Asylum Seekers http://lausanneworldpulse.com/research.php/75/11-2005 2008-03-18T12:50:56-05:00 Diaspora refers to any dispersed segment of a people group living apart from the main body of their people. That God uses such dispersements for his glory is evident in every period of history.