Gospel.com Topics Feed - Discipleship
2015-03-18T15:43:51-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/Discipleship/The power of grounded questions to create changehttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/127342015-03-18T15:43:51-05:00
Grounded questions, says Mark Strom in this short 16-min TED lecture, have the power to release stories, creative thought, and transformation.
They are not yes/no questions, or even questions about facts or feelings. Mark’s insights are helpful in any area of life, work, or ministry. New Lumin software delivers educational solutions in Majority Worldhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/123832014-05-23T11:00:19-05:00
Right back in the early days of the Internet, MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) were digital pioneers, and continue to develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of the Majority World. Last year, we featured their Estante Phone app. They are now excited to release a free software product called Lumin which will enable teaching and discipleship through mobiles phones or computers. GMI infographic on Africa, mobile and digital evangelism opportunitieshttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/123352014-05-16T06:56:27-05:00
The latest infographic from GMI (below) charts the huge changes in Africa over the last 20 years, and also highlights the growth of mobile phone access from zero to near universal. The huge benefits to Africa of improved communication through mobile and the Internet have been covered frequently in many blogs and reports – economic growth, development, health and education are all being transformed through digital. Are you using the best method to communicate your message? What does research show?http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/123022014-05-08T11:14:32-05:00
There’s a magazine from my childhood which has hugely influenced my thinking since. And it wasn’t Superman comic!
It was WHICH?, the magazine of the pioneering UK consumer group CA. In what is now a common worldwide concept, they buy and exhaustively test various consumer products, and choose a 'best buy', or a range of recommendations based on various criteria. Digital alters everything, everywhere, for everyonehttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/118582013-12-17T11:12:11-05:00
"My two-year-old is teaching my one-year-old to use the iPad," a Christian writer tweeted recently. As these two young 'digital natives' grow up, they will barely distinguish between online and offline, face-to-face or virtual. They will be unaware of that strange world just 20 years ago, which was almost untouched by digital media. They may never see, except in a museum, such ancient artifacts as typewriters, rotary-dial phones, or film cameras. Their use of digital will be totally instinctual, a seamless extension of minds and fingers. As the years pass, they will effortlessly handle digital tools and platforms yet to be invented.
Digital has transformed our societies faster than any previous media revolution. And it is transforming evangelism and discipleship too. Read more... 3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism: infographic for digital missionhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/118302013-12-12T18:40:53-05:00
Infographics are a great way to communicate a strategic visual overview of any topic. Global Mapping's new series of mission-related infographics are very helpful. This month they have summarized some vital trends and opportunities for digital evangelism, in this 'missiographic' entitled 3 Revolutions Impacting Internet Evangelism Mobile phone apps for evangelism and discipleshiphttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/117502013-10-31T16:38:31-05:00
Mobile is the most incredible opportunity for evangelism and discipleship, not least in the Majority World, where a mobile phone is perhaps the one piece of digital equipment that many people will ever own. Here are two mobile apps, one for Africa, and one for sharing video shorts in multiple languages. All In: It’s Now or Neverhttp://faithgateway.com/all-in-mark-batterson/2013-10-07T08:03:37-05:00
Watch the All In Video Trailer The book All In along with this study guide and video are an invitation to experience the kind of life God created you to live. You were designed for more than a life of following a few religious dos and don’ts. Your heart longs for more than an hour […] Why are Devotions Important? - Into Thy Word Ministrieshttp://intothyword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=51071&columnid=38022013-09-24T16:57:11-05:00
Devotions help us focus on Christ—who He is and what He did for us. Having a regular time to get in the Word will help us build perseverance. Scripture clearly tells us that real Christianity is more of a long-distance marathon than it is a short sprint. How to have a Devotional Time - Into Thy Word Ministrieshttp://intothyword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=44295&columnid=38022013-09-24T16:57:07-05:00
How to draw closer to the heart of God by building a deeper relationship with God!