Gospel.com Topics Feed - Donations
2008-02-12T15:16:00-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/donations/Internet Evangelism Coalition | Supporthttp://webevangelism.com/index.php?id=92008-02-12T15:16:00-05:00
The IEC is supported by the prayers and annual membership donations of partners. Financial and prayer support is also provided by individuals, churches, denominations and ministries who want to encourage the development of effective online evangelism partnerships and resources. TechMission Manual: Resources & Training for Computer Centers & Nonprofit Ministrieshttp://urbanministry.org/wiki/techmission-manual2007-11-01T16:15:54-05:00
Lists recommended sources of computer hardware and software donations, potential funding and grant opportunities, reviews of Internet/web filtering software, and government programs in which community technology centers, after-school programs & other nonprofits can participate. TechMission AC4 Membership Benefits | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermons, MP3http://urbanministry.org/member-benefits2007-10-31T17:50:14-05:00
Benefit summary for AC4, our program which supports Christian ministries and nonprofits through technology education, information on hardware and software donations, online safety training, and operating cost discounts (group buying and discount unemployment insurance). Encyclopedia of Christian Community Technology | UrbanMinistry.org: Urban ministry sermonshttp://urbanministry.org/wiki/encyclopedia-christian-community-technology2007-10-31T14:30:52-05:00
Contains technology training curricula; information on obtaining computer hardware and software; articles on the international digital divide and online segregation; and links to organizations that support community technology centers across the globe. Donations to Bible for Children help promote the Biblical outreach to children.http://bibleforchildren.org/languages/english/donate.php2007-10-26T13:15:43-05:00
Donations to Bible for Children promote outreach to many children through Bible stories and other materials, such as tracts and various media. Funds help distribute outreach materials. SermonIndex.net audio sermons: DONATIONShttp://sermonindex.net/modules/donations/2007-10-16T11:44:47-05:00
SermonIndex.net is not a organization or business. It is simply a expression of the desire of the body of Christ to see a genuine biblical revival in our generation. Over the last 4 years SermonIndex has had over over 6 million sermon downloads and reaches into over 170 countries in the world!