Gospel.com Topics Feed - Dutch 2009-03-04T10:14:41-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/dutch/ Dutch A Man Sent From God http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/A%20Man%20Sent%20From%20God%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:14:41-05:00 Dutch: Angel Gabriel tells Zacharias Elizabeth will have a baby. John is born & grows up in the desert eating locusts and honey. He is like Elijah and proclaims Jesus the Messiah. John baptizes Jesus as the Lamb of God. Herod puts John into prison. Herod's daughter dances and John is beheaded. Dutch A Terrible Time for Jesus http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/A%20Terrible%20Time%20for%20Jesus%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:13:36-05:00 Dutch: Jesus is baptized by John and the Holy Spirit descends on Him like a dove. God says This is My Son. The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness where He fasts forty days. Satan the devil tempts Jesus 3 times. Jesus defeats him with the Word of God. Angels minister to Jesus. Dutch The Miracles of Jesus http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/The%20Miracles%20of%20Jesus%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:12:24-05:00 Dutch: Jesus changes water into wine at a wedding, His first miracle. Then He heals Peter's mother-in-law. Jesus heals the lame, blind, crippled and those with leprosy. He forgives sins. He tells the waves to be still and they obey Him. Jesus proves with all the miracles that He is God. Dutch Jesus Chooses 12 Helpers http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/Jesus%20Chooses%2012%20Helpers%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:11:13-05:00 Dutch: Jesus teaches God's Word & heals the sick. Jesus chooses 12 disciples. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, Simon the Zealot, James the son of Alphaeus, Judas brother of James & Judas Iscariot. Jesus says a wise man obeys God. He says to love our enemy. Dutch A Temple Leader Visits Jesus http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/A%20Temple%20Leader%20Visits%20Jesus%20Dutch.pdf 2009-03-04T10:09:53-05:00 Dutch: Jesus drives the moneychangers out of the Temple which is a house of prayer. Jesus tells Nicodemus he must be born again. Nicodemus asks how an old man can be born a second time. Jesus says that the spirit must be born from above. This happens when a person believes in Jesus. Dutch Jesus the Great Teacher http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/Jesus%20the%20Great%20Teacher%20Dutch.pdf 2009-02-27T13:24:10-05:00 Dutch: Jesus says God's people are lights. They are to turn the other cheek. God looks after His children as He cares for the birds & the flowers. His children are not to judge others. Jesus warns about false teachers who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Jesus says a wise man obeys God's Word. Dutch Pauls Amazing Travels http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/Pauls%20Amazing%20Travels%20Dutch.pdf 2008-05-20T12:51:39-05:00 Dutch: Paul and Silas are in a jail in Philippi. They are singing and praising God when an earthquake opens all the doors. They stop the jailer from killing himself and he is saved and baptized. Paul sails to many places preaching the Gospel, even to Rome. Dutch From Persecutor to Preacher http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/From%20Persecutor%20to%20Preacher%20Dutch.pdf 2008-05-20T12:50:15-05:00 Dutch: Philip tells an Ethiopian about Jesus from Isaiah. The Ethiopian believes & is baptized. A Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus hates Christians. On the way to Damascus he is blinded by a great light and a voice tells him he is persecuting Jesus. He believes and is baptized and becomes Paul. Dutch Peter and the Power of Prayer http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/Peter%20and%20the%20Power%20of%20Prayer%20Dutch.pdf 2008-05-20T12:49:00-05:00 Dutch: Peter goes to Joppa and raises Dorcas from the dead. Peter stays with Simon a tanner where he has a vision. Cornelius a Roman centurion is visited by an angel who tells him to send for Peter. Peter comes and the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles when they believe and they are baptized. Dutch The Church Meets Trouble http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/dutch/The%20Church%20Meets%20Trouble%20Dutch.pdf 2008-05-20T12:47:34-05:00 Dutch: Ananias and Sapphira are deceivers and die. Many miracles are done by the apostles even though they are persecuted. Stephen is arrested and then stoned to death while asking God to forgive them. He is the first Christian martyr. The Christians flee and take the Gospel everywhere.