Gospel.com Topics Feed - Education
2014-09-12T11:44:48-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/education/The most popular TED lecture ever - it's about creativityhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/125442014-09-12T11:44:48-05:00
Do you know who is the most popular TED lecturer ever? He beats the second-most popular by more than 50%, and 9 million views. His name is not Bono or Gates.
He's a British educationalist – Sir Ken Robinson. His contention is that creativity is as important as literacy. Watch his TED lecture below to learn why, and to notice what makes him such a good communicator, using storytelling and humor. The impact of education globally: infographichttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/122552014-05-08T11:16:24-05:00
Education is a vital catalyst for positive change. Access to schooling is, for example, a major reason that Scotland punches above its weight on the world stage, because that country had virtually free and universal primary education, centuries before the rest of UK. Veterans Day for Kids: What Does Veterans Day Mean to Your Child?http://faithgateway.com/veterans-day-for-kids/2013-11-12T06:00:04-05:00
A few weeks back, my husband and I took a trip to Savannah, Georgia. We are lovers of American history and we visited a cemetery there that played a part in the Civil War. As we walked along the path, we came across a historical marker that caught my attention. The plaque marked the grave of […] Finding Favor as a Momhttp://faithgateway.com/finding-favor-mom/2013-10-04T14:48:31-05:00
Finding favor as a mom can seem elusive. As a mom, have you not felt like a middle manager? You are your child’s supervisor, and while you don’t report to teachers, coaches, or doctors, you must be the advocate for your child. Nehemiah had prepared himself for his role in middle management. We have seen […] Factors in Making School Choiceshttp://faithgateway.com/factors-in-making-school-choices/2013-10-04T14:47:56-05:00
Smart kids are more likely to make smart money decisions! Ultimately school choice for our children starts by creating a home environment that’s dedicated to learning. Instilling in our children a passion for education is the greatest gift we can give them. Toys will break, clothes will wear out, school days will fade into the past, […] Every Ounce of America’s Talent Mattershttp://faithgateway.com/every-ounce-of-americas-talent-matters/2013-10-04T14:47:38-05:00
Some readers may be thinking, I have worked hard and achieved a lot in my personal life, so why should I worry myself about the well-being of people who are too lazy to take advantage of opportunities to succeed? However, for every one of those young people we can keep from choosing a self-destructive path, […] 9 Ways to Prevent Summer Brain Drainhttp://faithgateway.com/9-ways-prevent-summer-brain-drain/2013-10-04T14:42:55-05:00
Summer is the time for playing, relaxing, going on vacation, and watching TV, right? Not exactly. According to a 2001 study from the University of Missouri, kids lose an average of two months’ educational progress over the summer. Two months! In other words, they have to relearn in September and October what they already learned in April […] 5 Reasons Why We Chose Homeschoolinghttp://faithgateway.com/5-reasons-why-we-chose-homeschooling/2013-10-04T14:42:22-05:00
Choosing to homeschool your children is not a decision to take lightly. Homeschooling is hard work and requires parents who are ready and willing to take on the full burden of their child’s education. Our family of six decided early on that homeschooling was the right choice for us. It’s not the right choice for […] Seeking a Better Way | Christian History Institutehttp://chitorch.org/index.php/chm/seventeenth-century/comenius/2011-06-27T16:33:25-05:00
The pain and damage of Christian divisions and international warfare affected Comenius and his church both directly and disastrously: His prodigious energy and gifts were obsessively employed to change the way the world and church worked. From Christian History magazine Education - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2013:14-16&version=NIV2009-08-20T15:49:50-05:00
God wants His followers to remind and educate their children about what God has done for them--and about why Christians celebrate the things that they do. As our children grow, they should see love for God written plainly in their parents' lives.