Gospel.com Topics Feed - Effort 2012-08-29T16:56:44-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/effort/ How to Live in a Stew Without Having the Beef - #6688 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/how-to-live-in-a-stew-without-having-the-beef-6688 2012-08-29T16:56:44-05:00 Why do we let there be walls where there should be bridges? Now, you can be what God delights in - a bring-us-together person. Are you one of those? Emphasize what unites us as followers of Christ, not what divides us. Everything for the War Effort - #6375 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/everything-for-the-war-effort-6375 2011-06-21T10:25:05-05:00 God says to you and me, as He says to those believers centuries ago, "This is your war, too." God's victory strategy is that every Christian sacrifices for His battle. But the best I have—not the least I have—is used to make an eternal difference somewhere in the world or somewhere in my community. Daddy's Smile - #6321 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/daddy-s-smile-6321 2011-04-04T10:17:10-05:00 Maybe there's an area of your life right now that's particularly frustrating, and you've tried everything. You've worked harder, you've planned, you've used every trick you know. Could it be you're missing God's blessing on it? Is there in that part of your life something He can't bless: an attitude, a secret sin, a relationship, a method you are using to go about getting it, an untruth maybe? So often the answer to frustration is not greater effort, it's greater obedience. Out By Sundown - #6297 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/out-by-sundown-6297 2011-03-10T10:50:00-05:00 When we let conflict and hurt stay overnight in town - maybe many overnights - we destroy peace, we erode love, we erode trust. Unresolved anger is always a bad guy in town. And you know what to tell a bad guy, right? "I want you out of here by sundown!" Fixing The Fixed, Ignoring The Broken - #2576 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/fixing-the-fixed-ignoring-the-broken-2576 2009-10-02T11:15:32-05:00 Harvest is urgent business. If the harvest workers don't get busy, and act quickly the harvest will die. And so will it be said there were people around us ready for Jesus - we weren't ready to go to them - they won't be ready for eternity. That'll be true unless we move beyond just fixing those who are already fixed - and start working on the ones who are broken! Combat Medals - #2485 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/combat-medals-2485 2009-09-25T14:10:48-05:00 The important thing to remember is who you are doing these things for, who is the commanding officer? It is the Lord Christ you are serving! Not the church, the organization, the human leader, even the people you are trying to help. They may or may not give you the appreciation you deserve, but do it for Jesus. He will never let you down. The service awards are coming! Work with all your heart for General Jesus and prepare yourself for a lot of exciting, eternal surprises the day Christ gives His awards. Narrow - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2013:24&version=NIV 2009-09-20T20:33:52-05:00 Jesus noted that the way to God was narrow and difficult, and that many who tried to make it would fail to do so. The way to God is through Christ alone; no effort of our own will ever succeed in getting us through the narrow door to God. Hebrews 12:14-29 - Into Thy Word Ministries http://intothyword.org/apps/articles/default.asp?articleid=48532&columnid=3803 2008-10-29T18:30:30-05:00 Strive for Jesus! Are you having troubles in life? Then run with your faith; put into practice His call and precepts, and listen to God.