Gospel.com Topics Feed - Follow Christ
2009-08-25T13:29:35-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/follow+christ/Follow Christ - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%2011:1&version=NIV2009-08-25T13:29:35-05:00
Paul tells the early Christian church to model themselves after his behavior, since he himself is modeling his life after Christ. Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of the sort of life that we should lead. Lausanne World Pulse - Following Christ in World Evangelizationhttp://lausanneworldpulse.com/perspectives.php/880/01-2008?pg=all2008-04-11T12:53:53-05:00
Eight examples of what it means to follow Christ in world evangelization from Luke 3-6.