Gospel.com Topics Feed - Humility
Have you ever celebrated a holiday named Memas? Some people observe it every December 25. For them, the Christ of Christmas has been replaced by a me-centered worldview. This is a celebrity generation in which everyone wants little flashes of fame and fortune. One of the reasons the average wedding costs almost thirty thousand dollars […] True Woman: Gauge Your Humility and Gratitudehttp://truewoman.com/?id=16332011-03-03T11:27:09-05:00
"I think we are all basically entitlement freaks. Here's a good test question to find out if you've made progress in humility and gratitude: Ask yourself, 'Am I surprised that my spouse loves me? Do I think I am such a good 'catch' that of course my spouse should love me?'"
True Woman Blog: Confidently Humblehttp://truewoman.com/?id=11962010-08-31T16:47:29-05:00
I used to think humility looked something like this: deflecting compliments, staying away from high-profile positions, even talking down on oneself occasionally. But then Moses changed my mind. The Heart God Revives (Bookmark)http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=94892010-08-31T14:32:34-05:00
Nancy Leigh DeMoss contrasts characteristics of proud, unbroken people who are resistant to the call of God on their lives with the qualities of broken, humble people who have experienced God's revival. Discussion Guide for Brokenness: The Heart God Reviveshttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=94902010-08-25T15:17:03-05:00
This study will point you toward the only pathway to holiness and genuine revival: the pathway of humility and brokenness (Discussion guide from Nancy Leigh DeMoss' book, "Brokenness: The Heart God Revives"). Curbing the Craving for Praisehttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=99032010-08-25T15:06:15-05:00
Die to pride and self, and experience the resurrection life of the Lord Jesus! Choosing Brokennesshttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=103662010-08-25T14:56:40-05:00
The single greatest hindrance to experiencing personal revival is our unwillingness to humble ourselves. 41 Evidences of Pridehttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=94962010-08-25T14:05:13-05:00
These questions will help you determine whether or not you are a proud person. Revive Our Hearts: The Beauty of Meeknesshttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=284&topic_name=Biblical Womanhood2010-08-20T14:16:15-05:00
Nancy shares the importance of having a meek spirit toward God and others and tells us how we can cultivate it in our own lives. Tune in and discover the beauty of meekness and the difference it can make to you. The Surprising Secret of Greatness - #6123http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-surprising-secret-of-greatness-61232010-06-30T15:50:10-05:00
Whether you're in a position to lead your children, or a business, or a staff, a church, a project, a ministry, don't fall for the popular lies about leading people - that success means being pushy or punishing, pulling rank, playing politics, manipulating, promoting yourself. No, it's humble servanthood that is the surprising secret of success. That's humility as in always being teachable, courteous, vulnerable, willing to accept responsibility rather than place blame; caring about the person, not just the project.