Gospel.com Topics Feed - Hymn
2010-08-31T13:39:20-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/hymn/Living the Surrendered Lifehttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=103562010-08-31T13:39:20-05:00
Nancy walks line by line through the hymn, "Take My Life." Personalize this wonderful text as your prayer to be fully consecrated to Christ. 25 of Nancy's Favorite Hymnshttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=101842010-08-25T13:46:43-05:00
"Next to reading the Bible, singing—to and about the Lord-has probably been the activity that has produced the greatest encouragement in my Christian walk." (Nancy Leigh DeMoss) Singing - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%203:16&version=NIV2009-09-03T15:10:32-05:00
This verse suggests that the singing of songs and hymns can play an important role in discipling and worship. Hallelujah, What a Savior - Man of Sorrows, What a Namehttp://songsandhymns.org/hymns/detail/hallelujah-what-a-savior2008-02-16T17:28:03-05:00
"Man of Sorrows, what a name for the Son of God who came. Ruined sinners to reclaim, Hallelujah! What a Savior!" We offer a study of this beautiful hymn, along with an mp3, sheet music and other resources. Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offendedhttp://songsandhymns.org/hymns/detail/ah-holy-jesus-how-hast-thou-offended2008-02-16T17:08:32-05:00
"Ah Holy Jesus" challenges us to realize it was our personal sins that put Jesus on the cross. And it points us to a proper response, reminding us that Jesus' death for our salvation calls for us to adore and worship him. We offer a study of this beautiful hymn and how it came to be written. When I Survey the Wondrous Crosshttp://songsandhymns.org/hymns/detail/when-i-survey-the-wondrous-cross2008-02-16T17:01:12-05:00
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" is considered one of the finest hymns ever written. We provide a study of the hymn, background of the hymn writer, sheet music, mp3 and more. Red Mountain Musichttp://ymexchange.com/Resource-Reviews/Red-Mountain-Music.html2007-09-21T20:53:30-05:00
I know that albums are usually reviewed individually, and that it is usually unfair to both the listener and the musician to judge the entire body of their work in one lump sum. But some things must be taken as a whole, as one part builds upon the other and complements that part.