Gospel.com Topics Feed - Imagination
2009-08-06T10:59:05-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/imagination/Imagination - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=57&chapter=4&verse=8&version=31&context=verse2009-08-06T10:59:05-05:00
Our imaginations can get us into trouble, or they can be limitless sources of new ways to praise and glorify God's name. And just like we nurture our bodies, we must nurture our imaginations by thinking about true things, noble things, right, pure, lovely, admirable and excellent things. LWP - Mission among Young People in “Secular” Europehttp://lausanneworldpulse.com/themedarticles.php/9472008-06-11T13:31:59-05:00
If we are to reach Europe’s youth, we need to cultivate and encourage "missional imagination" in leaders. Soulation | Sturdy Answers. Better Souls.http://soulation.org/2008-01-18T19:28:15-05:00
Soulation home page, updated regularly. A.W. Tozer : A SACRED GIFT OF SEEINGhttp://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=46692008-01-06T12:26:48-05:00
As God created us, we all have to some degree the power to imagine. That imagination is of great value in the service of God may be denied by some persons who have erroneously confused the word "imagination" with the word "imaginary...