Gospel.com Topics Feed - John Knox 2011-06-27T15:52:54-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/john+knox/ Preacher of Revolution | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/chm/sixteenth-century/knox/ 2011-06-27T15:52:54-05:00 John Knox provoked rulers, incited riots, and inspired a reformation in Scotland. From Christian History magazine. John Knox the Galley Slave http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/reformation/knox.php 2011-05-06T09:43:26-05:00 Account of the Reformation era prisoner John Knox who pulled an oar in the French galleys. From Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Module 402: John Knox | Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/eras/post-reformation/knox/ 2008-11-15T13:46:10-05:00 Christian History Institute's study module to introduce The Reformation of Religion in Scotland, by John Knox. C.H. Spurgeon : A Defense of Calvinism http://sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=433 2008-10-08T16:14:52-05:00 The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach to-day, or else be false to my conscience and my God. I cannot shape the truth; I know of no such thing as paring off the rough edges of a doctrine. John Knox's gospel is my gospel...