Gospel.com Topics Feed - Justice 2012-09-05T10:10:43-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/justice/ When You Know An Ugly Secret - #6693 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/when-you-know-an-ugly-secret-6693 2012-09-05T10:10:43-05:00 The longer you wait, the worse the fallout's going to be. So, don't be guilty of obstructing justice - God's justice that is. Remember, when you know an ugly secret, knowledge equals responsibility. The Bible Wears a Blindfold - #6650 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-personal-power/the-bible-wears-a-blindfold-6650 2012-07-06T13:21:02-05:00 To rightly represent a holy God in this anything-goes world, we have to always be sure of the Bible's ways of life and stand on those. Who Stole the Cross? - #6479 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/who-stole-the-cross-6479 2011-11-10T10:53:52-05:00 We should be outraged! We've allowed Jesus' cross to be stolen from the center of our hearts, and our ministries, and our conversations. "The message of the cross," 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, "is...the power of God." I need to be as passionate about elevating that cross as the world and the devil are about eliminating it. Likewise Books http://ivpress.com/likewisebooks/ 2010-11-04T11:36:07-05:00 Likewise books are meant to help you make those choices. The good news is that culture adapts and changes. So we can shape what it will be. We can make culture, faithfully. That's Likewise. Go and do. Likewise books, at their best, should work like parables. Books like The New Friars or Practical Justice are pictures of active faith meant to inspire you to get onto your donkey, or into your '92 Geo Metro, and go and do something similar. Something "likewise." God is just - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deuteronomy%2032:4&version=NIV 2009-10-06T16:45:19-05:00 This verse proclaims that in all things, God is just. He is faithful in His righteousness. Unrighteous - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%206:10&version=KJV 2009-09-27T21:19:44-05:00 Even though it might seem to our limited perspective that God isn't as just or righteous as the Bible teaches, we can be assured that He will ultimately bring true justice to the world, rewarding the righteous and punishing the wicked. Justice in the Bible: Micah 6:8 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Micah%206:8&version=NIV 2009-09-25T11:49:16-05:00 The importance of justice is emphasized over and over in the Bible, but it's almost always linked to the equally important exercise of mercy. Here, we're told that God's desire for us boils down to simply practicing and loving both justice and mercy. Neither can exist without the other. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc. - The Chief and the Thief - #8247 | Radio Program | A Life That Matters http://hutchcraft.com/a-life-that-matters/radio-program/the-chief-and-the-thief-8247 2009-09-14T14:26:50-05:00 He was known as one of the most respected Indian chiefs of his time; he had this unblemished reputation for being totally loving toward his people, but also totally just when it came to judging those who did wrong. He was troubled that someone from their village had been stealing pelts from his people. He let it be known that the thief would be tied to a stake in the middle of the village when the sun was high and beaten with twenty lashes of the whip. And then he set a trap to catch the thief. Bruised reed in the Bible - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2042:3-4&version=NIV 2009-09-09T11:38:54-05:00 Isaish uses the imagery of a bruised reed in chapter 42. He says that God will not break any bruised reeds or snuff out smoldering wicks. While God is seeking justice he will be faithful to those that have been injured. Nathan - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Samuel%2012&version=NIV 2009-08-07T11:42:17-05:00 The prophet Nathan confronts David, who has just murdered one of his faithful soldiers and stolen his wife. Nathan tells a story that prompts David to condemn himself with his own words.