Gospel.com Topics Feed - Karen Waddles 2011-05-26T16:25:43-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/karen+waddles/ True Woman: I'm a Better Leader http://truewoman.com/?id=1709 2011-05-26T16:25:43-05:00 At one particularly difficult time during our marriage, my husband threw up his hands in exasperation and said, “I tell you what we’re going to do! From now on you do what you want to do and I’ll do what I want to do. I’m not going to keep going back and forth with you about who’s going to lead this family!” True Woman: When HE Gets It Right http://truewoman.com/?id=1699 2011-05-26T16:11:27-05:00 One of the strongest objections I’ve heard over the years from wives goes something like this: “He’s not right! He doesn’t love me like Christ loved the church. Why would I submit to him? When he gets his act together, I’ll think about it.” True Woman: My Submission Journey http://truewoman.com/?id=1678 2011-05-26T15:54:22-05:00 For the most part, George and I had much in common. However, his ideas about roles within marriage were diametrically opposed to mine. The idea of being a doting, submissive wife was archaic and distasteful to me. I had not seen that example growing up and had no desire to break the generational mold cast for me by the women in my life. True Woman: Yoo-Hoo, I'm Up Here, Honey! http://truewoman.com/?id=1672 2011-04-15T10:48:59-05:00 I want to be his number one encourager and affirmer. But I’ve noticed something. With children, grandchildren, young wives, friends, and co-workers . . . it’s easy to find the words of encouragement and support for them. I wish that were true with the hubby–but it’s not. True Woman: Balcony People http://truewoman.com/?id=1671 2011-04-15T10:35:47-05:00 Are you a "balcony person" or a "basement person"? True Woman: Yesterday's Conversation http://truewoman.com/?id=1653 2011-04-15T10:16:19-05:00 How would you grade your conversation from yesterday? Were your words healing, or did they cause someone to stumble? True Woman: Voices of Recall http://truewoman.com/?id=1646 2011-04-15T10:07:08-05:00 Doesn’t it seem that whenever you make a commitment to follow the Lord more faithfully, that commitment is tested? True Woman: Meet Karen Waddles, New True Woman Blogger http://truewoman.com/?id=1629 2011-03-03T11:34:57-05:00 Please give a warm, true woman welcome to Karen Waddles, our newest True Woman blogger. I think you’ll love her! Get to know her a bit today with this Q&A . . . True Woman: Passionate Pursuit of My Offender http://truewoman.com/?id=1630 2011-03-03T11:34:10-05:00 Like the character Demi Moore played in “The Scarlet Letter,” it felt like there was a huge sign on my forehead that identified my sin. It seemed like all of heaven was in suspense . . . waiting to see if this would be the conviction that finally stuck, that actually bore fruit.