Gospel.com Topics Feed - Mentor
2014-11-28T08:13:08-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/mentor/Using a Facebook group to reach out to hurting peoplehttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/126712014-11-28T08:13:08-05:00
We've been working on our Facebook page for our newest evangelistic strategy called 'Issues I Face'. In that group, we've been sharing stories, links, and images and inviting the social media world to engage in conversation with a mentor. Urgent need for volunteer sparetime email mentorshttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/106932013-04-29T13:04:14-05:00
The TruthMedia digital evangelism team urgently needs volunteers, working in their sparetime at home. Please republish this page, or share the opportunity widely on social media. Reaching hurting people online as a volunteer Christian ementorhttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/99822013-02-20T11:25:49-05:00
"It was a last-ditch effort. Nothing else had worked. No one had answers to my questions, or comfort for my pain..." Requests like this come to the TruthMedia.com team's outreach websites, and so they need volunteer ementors to write to inquirers, from their homes by email. True Woman: You’ve got a little admirerhttp://truewoman.com/?id=15442011-03-03T16:42:00-05:00
(Don’t look behind you now, but someone thinks you’re pretty amazing!!) True Woman Blog: Older Women Need Younger Women, Too!http://truewoman.com/?id=12502010-09-15T15:10:16-05:00
I was a little nervous at the outset about how well I would be able to connect with a group of 20-somethings who are in such a different season of life than I am. But those apprehensions quickly dissipated and I found myself being greatly encouraged by the eagerness, hunger, and openness of these gals. Revive Our Hearts: Declarations of the True Woman Manifesto, Part 2http://reviveourhearts.com/topics/series.php?series=344&topic_name=Biblical Womanhood2010-09-15T14:59:35-05:00
What can you declare to the world with confidence? Nancy helps you think through core declarations. Gain a firm understanding of the church, marriage, children, mentors, and other topics in the series Declarations of the True Woman Manifesto, Part 2. True Woman Blog: Cyber-mentoringhttp://truewoman.com/?id=8682010-09-08T16:00:31-05:00
Almost two years ago, the team at Revive Our Hearts approached me about blogging for a new site, www.LiesYoungWomenBelieve.com. I was excited about the opportunity to partner with Revive Our Hearts, but more than a little skeptical about the possibility that any real ministry or mentoring could occur online. True Woman Blog: Never Grocery Shop Alonehttp://truewoman.com/?id=8692010-09-08T15:59:32-05:00
You can have a huge impact on the next generation. You can be a truth speaker to the young women around you who need it so desperately. And it all starts in the produce aisle. True Woman Blog: "Could we meet?"http://truewoman.com/?id=8832010-09-08T15:53:14-05:00
"I know you’re really busy, but I really need an older woman I trust to give me some advice and counsel. I was wondering if it might be possible for us to get together once a month?” True Woman Blog: Titus 2 Prayershttp://truewoman.com/?id=8852010-09-08T15:51:14-05:00
While I enjoyed being a young Titus 2 woman (Titus 2:1–5), I entered into the "older woman" role reluctantly. After a while, however, I realized that women were going to watch my life whether I liked it or not, but I could be the Titus 2 woman God designed me to be if I placed my confidence firmly in the Lord.