Gospel.com Topics Feed - North Africa 2009-08-26T17:00:57-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/north+africa/ 10: Cyprian (died 258) : Christian History Institute http://chitorch.org/index.php/in-context/cyprian/ 2009-08-26T17:00:57-05:00 Christian History Institute presents the story behind a famous saying by Cyprian, bishop of North Africa, on who has God for Father. This is number 10 in the In Context series. Lausanne World Pulse - Focus on the Middle East/N. Africa: 385 Least-Reached People Groups http://lausanneworldpulse.com/urban.php/497/11-2006?pg=all 2008-05-05T15:53:19-05:00 Half of the countries in this region still have over ninety percent of their population least-reached. Lausanne World Pulse - Urban Articles - An Overview of the Middle East/North Africa http://lausanneworldpulse.com/urban.php/545/11-2006?pg=all 2008-05-05T15:49:46-05:00 Bringing the gospel into this environment will require long-term commitments, significant risks and substantial resource investments.