Gospel.com Topics Feed - Offerings 2009-08-05T14:10:07-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/offerings/ Offerings - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Malachi.3:10&version=NIV 2009-08-05T14:10:07-05:00 God tells us that if we are faithful with our offerings and tithes He will be faithful with His blessing. He says we will be overwhelmed with His blessings. Stewardship and Finance http://churchgrowth.org/cgi-cg/webstore/ec.cgi?page=steward.html&frame=yes&cart_id=p1201720837_949 2008-01-30T14:29:37-05:00 For pastors who don't want to beg for offerings and laypeople who want to find financial freedom, this section has something to offer. Includes stewardship campaigns and resources that tell how to establish debt-free ministry, increase giving without begging, and gain personal financial freedom!