Gospel.com Topics Feed - Olympics 2012-07-31T12:42:42-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/olympics/ The message and challenge of the Olympics to the church http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8790 2012-07-31T12:42:42-05:00 The Olympics opening ceremony has received near-universal acclaim from round the world. As it got underway, the words that came to mind were, "Thank God for ... Free Christian resources about re-released Chariots of Fire film http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/8652 2012-07-12T12:39:29-05:00 Culturewatch ministry Damaris has released free resources to use in conjunction with the re-release of the digitally-remastered Chariots of Fire and the Olympics. Download free from their Chariots of Fire page including the videos below in WMV or MOV format, plus free discussion materials and PowerPoints to use in meetings, youth groups or schools. A Thousand Invisible Mornings - #6419 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/a-thousand-invisible-mornings-6419 2011-08-18T10:03:50-05:00 That price is to make our daily time with Jesus non-negotiable; the anchor of our daily schedule; the "sun" around which all the other "planets" of our life must revolve. Christian meetings and events won't do it. Great Bible teaching, Christian fellowship, they won't do it. There simply is no substitute for the love-driven discipline of spending time with Jesus yourself. An Olympian Shares About Faith in the Midst of Injury http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/02/17/an-olympian-shares-about-faith-in-the-midst-of-injury/ 2010-02-18T16:55:55-05:00 Has God ever used a physical injury to draw you closer to Him? Finishing Your Race - #3712 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hindrances/finishing-your-race-3712 2009-09-21T10:30:37-05:00 Maybe you've been tempted to quit an assignment God has given you - and He's coming to you right now saying, "Finish the race." Run with everything you've got, not halfheartedly. Remember, He gave everything He had in His race to rescue you - and even though He was beaten and bloody, Jesus didn't quit until He had crossed the finish line. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Secret of a Champion http://hutchcraft.com/Blogs/Ron-s-Blogs/The-Secret-of-a-Champion 2008-08-21T14:42:39-05:00 Champions don't just suddenly pop up. They are the product of a thousand invisible times with their coach. When others are off doing whatever, the champion is faithfully spending time listening to and learning from their coach. No shortcut. That's exactly how it is with Jesus. Your source of strength and victory is a thousand times with your Coach that no one ever sees. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - What Makes the Marathon Worth it http://hutchcraft.com/Blogs/Ron-s-Blogs/What-Makes-the-Marathon-Worth-it 2008-08-20T11:05:47-05:00 At times, I've run for plastic trophies instead of God's gold. Having everyone like me. Being affirmed by those I considered to be a big deal. Receiving the approval of a crowd or an organization. Having people know my name. But it's all so hollow. So temporary. So wrong. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Replaying Your Performance http://hutchcraft.com/Blogs/Ron-s-Blogs/Replaying-Your-Performance 2008-08-11T15:58:53-05:00 Beyond our intrinsic, God-given worth, it's the kind of person we are that matters to God. That's worth much more than the kind of performance we give. We need to be praising people for how generous, how compassionate, how unselfish they are - strengths for which there are no medals, but the strengths that really make a difference in people's lives. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Fallen Down But Finishing Strong - #5066 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Most-Important-Relationship/Fallen-Down-But-Finishing-Strong-5066 2008-08-06T15:26:23-05:00 Simon failed, Moses failed, and yet God still had something very important for them to do for Him once they repented and surrendered their brokenness to Him. He wants to do that for you. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - Trusted With the Torch - #5614 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Mission/Trusted-With-the-Torch-5614 2008-07-21T11:35:21-05:00 Paul must have enjoyed the ancient Olympic Games. He made several references to them. As he writes his letter to his spiritual apprentice, Timothy, you can almost picture Paul as a torch bearer of the message of Jesus Christ. Writing from a prison cell, he's on his last lap before he is going to collapse into the arms of Jesus. But right now he's concerned about who will carry the torch from here.