Gospel.com Topics Feed - Questions And Answers
2010-07-08T16:13:35-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/questions+and+answers/How do you do your personal Bible study? - The Gospel.com Bloghttp://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/07/08/how-do-you-do-your-personal-bible-study/2010-07-08T16:13:35-05:00
There are many different approaches to studying the Bible. Some people follow rigid reading plans; others skip around. Some people find methodologies like inductive and topical Bible studies helpful.
In the past, I’ve used books that steadily and purposefully walked me through a passage; but when left to my own devices I tend to slowly read through one book at a time. I might not move on from a particular chapter for a few days or even weeks.
What about you? How do you do your personal Bible Study? Should Christians buy health insurance?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/06/24/should-christians-buy-health-insurance/2010-07-07T09:04:25-05:00
Is health insurance (or any insurance for that matter) a Biblical concept? What about alternate approaches, like "sharing" programs? Would you ever drop your health insurance and participate in a sharing program? Have you ever taken a sabbatical?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/02/16/have-you-ever-taken-a-sabbatical/2010-02-18T16:54:07-05:00
Have you ever taken time off or your usual job or career to take a "sabbatical"? What’s your favorite C.S. Lewis book?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/02/04/whats-your-favorite-c-s-lewis-book/2010-02-09T10:41:39-05:00
What's your favorite C.S. Lewis book? Is it one of his Narnia classics, or a work that has so far passed under the radar of mainstream notice? How Important are Friendships to You?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2010/02/05/how-important-are-friendships-to-you/2010-02-09T10:35:21-05:00
How important are friendships to you? Would you ever make a covenant like David and Jonathan? How Often Should Christians Celebrate Communion? - The Gospel.com Bloghttp://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/30/how-often-should-christians-celebrate-communion/2009-11-30T11:28:17-05:00
I’ve been in churches that do it every week and others almost never. They all have their reasons, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on how often we should celebrate the Lord’s supper.
How often do you think Christians should celebrate communion?
Share your thoughts! Is there such a thing as a “righteous lie”?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/25/is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-righteous-lie/2009-11-25T14:16:11-05:00
Is it a always a sin to lie? Is there ever a time when it’s OK to commit a “lesser” sin—perhaps to avoid what you perceive as a much more serious sin? Would you submit to moral, but non-biblical, lifestyle restrictions in your job?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/23/would-you-submit-to-moral-but-unbiblical-lifestyle-restrictions-in-your-job/2009-11-25T14:13:59-05:00
Would you take a job with an employer that imposed non-biblical restrictions on your personal behavior? Is a restriction like this an instance of humans adding pointless laws to the gospel of grace? Does Belief in God Necessitate Belief in Demons? - The Gospel.com Bloghttp://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/20/does-belief-in-god-necessitate-belief-in-demons/2009-11-25T14:12:16-05:00
What role do you think demonic forces play in our world? Do you believe that Satan has a hand in everything, is mainly an impotent being, or doesn’t even exist? Is Church Attendance Required to Call Yourself a Christian?http://gospel.com/blog/index.php/2009/11/20/is-church-attendance-required-to-call-yourself-a-christian/2009-11-25T14:10:54-05:00
Let’s say a person became a Christian some time ago and just never got around to finding a church. They read still read their Bible and pray, but they’re not a member or even an active “visitor” of any organized body of Christ. Are they still a Christian?