Gospel.com Topics Feed - Religion
2012-11-15T06:23:24-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/religion/Drop the Religious Spirithttp://delveintojesus.com/Devotionals/51/Drop-the-Religious-Spirit.aspx2012-11-15T06:23:24-05:00
The religious spirit is not from God, but from the enemy, and it shows up in the church today in many places. To resist it, we Christians must pray and be filled with the Holy Spirit instead. Which Way in the Wildfire? - #6711http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/which-way-in-the-wildfire-67112012-10-01T09:19:10-05:00
Only the One who died for our sins can forgive our sins and erase what will keep us out of heaven. It's not about the superiority of the Christian religion. It's not about a religion at all; no religion can die for you. It's about a Rescuer, the only One who can save us from the fire of sin's judgment, because He took that fire for us. To trust in anything else is to learn too late that you've made the greatest mistake a human can make. Religious attitudes to Christian faith in Australia and Europehttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/79092012-04-18T10:08:31-05:00
Australia is probably similar in religious attitudes to most European countries, and Canada. Check the detailed infographic below of Australian views.
There are similar figures available for Europe from the Eurobarometer and Gallup Polls – unfortunately these do not measure animosity/hostility as such, though this may overlap considerably with the percent of non-theists in their research results. Steve Jobs and God - #6536http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/steve-jobs-and-god-65362012-01-30T14:48:10-05:00
Behind all the fog of all those "sophisticated" spiritualities and the dueling religions of our world stands one real God, one real Savior. He's the God who hung on a cross. The Message at Macy's Parade - #6489http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/the-message-at-macy-s-parade-64892011-11-28T11:19:58-05:00
There's only one person who even claimed to die for our sins. There's only one person who backed up that claim by walking out of His grave under His own power, because only someone who has eternal life can give it. Jesus alone paid the price so you and I wouldn't have to. A Message From the Titanic - #6424http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/a-message-from-the-titanic-64242011-08-25T10:20:08-05:00
Maybe you know some folks who are still outside the lifeboat. You have nothing more urgent to do than in the Bible's words, "rescue those who are being led away to death" (Proverbs 24:11). The Way Home - #6364http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-most-important-relationship/the-way-home-63642011-06-03T09:48:15-05:00
Jesus literally took our hell so we could have His heaven. Then, three days after He died, Jesus walked out of His grave and blew away death! Only the Man who paid for your sins can forgive your sins. True Woman: Who Is Jesus to You?http://truewoman.com/?id=16582011-04-15T10:24:03-05:00
How are we as followers of Christ to respond to those who insist that their faith is equally (or more) valid than ours? And how are we to present the gospel of Christ to a world that views Him as something different or less than we believe Him to be, simply another in a pantheon of religious figures? What does Europe believe? Christian look at Eurobarometer Poll resultshttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/15832010-08-09T16:31:30-05:00
Having just got back from a web evangelism conference in Lithuania, I thought I'd look up some stats for beliefs in that country, and found this remarkable table of Eurobarometer Poll results for the whole of Europe. Digital evangelism to the non-western world and unreached people groupshttp://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/3562010-08-09T15:34:14-05:00
To share with Muslims, we do need to understand how they think. Here are several articles to help us think through these issues:
* The Missing Father – explaining a Trinitarian Concept of God to Muslims
* Understanding shame cultures – completely different to the culture you probably belong to
* Oral Communication Cultures – although Muslims are people of the book, they are also within a broadly oral communication culture (as indeed are many westerners who do not get much information from print media)