Gospel.com Topics Feed - Samson 2011-05-06T08:38:00-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/samson/ Samson is Chastened in Prison http://chitorch.org/captivefaith/bible/samson.php 2011-05-06T08:38:00-05:00 How Samson was chastened by prison, an article from Captive Faith, a production of Christian History Institute. Samson - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges%2013:24-25&version=NIV 2009-08-07T13:04:31-05:00 Samson was an extremely complicated individual. Writing him off as a simple meathead is to forget that God used him to do some amazing things, even if a lot of what he did seemed to be new and amazing ways to show his prowess. Icelandic Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/icelandic/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Icelandic.pdf 2009-04-17T17:14:10-05:00 Icelandic: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. Russian Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-03T11:35:24-05:00 russian: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. ChineseT Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/chinese_traditional/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20ChineseT.pdf 2009-02-27T15:29:05-05:00 ChineseT: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. Hebrew Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-02-27T14:40:59-05:00 Hebrew: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Fatal Flipside - #5372 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hard-Times/The-Fatal-Flipside-5372 2008-07-29T13:55:15-05:00 So often, our greatest weakness is the flipside of our greatest strength. And untamed, uncontrolled, it will eventually bring us, and others, great injury and great pain. Arabic Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/arabic/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Arabic.pdf 2008-05-30T14:55:51-05:00 Arabic: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. Turkish Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/turkish/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Turkish.pdf 2008-05-22T20:17:49-05:00 Turkish: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines. Tagalog Samson Gods Strong Man http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/tagalog/Samson%20Gods%20Strong%20Man%20Tagalog.pdf 2008-05-22T17:57:01-05:00 Tagalog: Samson is a Nazarite to God. The Philistines are afraid of his great strength. Delilah tricks him to reveal the source of his power. Samson's hair is cut off. He is captured & put in prison. God gives him strength one more time & he pushes 2 pillars down on himself & many Philistines.