Gospel.com Topics Feed - Seed 2012-01-26T14:21:53-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/seed/ A Stick of Dynamite http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/a-stick-of-dynamite-6534 2012-01-26T14:21:53-05:00 when you give someone the Good News about Jesus, you're planting that stick of holy dynamite in their hearts. It's dynamite strong enough to demolish the walls, the defenses they have built around their lost heart. And God knows exactly what time is the right time to push "detonate." Good soil - a Christian perspective http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2013:23&version=NIV 2009-10-02T10:31:42-05:00 When a person hears the Gospel of Jesus and takes it to heart, and go on to spread the Gospel further with good deeds and Christlike love, they are like "good soil" from which a planted seed sprouts into a beautiful plant. Parable of the Sower in the Bible: Matthew 13:1-23 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2013:1-23&version=NIV 2009-07-16T09:21:03-05:00 This parable of Jesus uses the metaphor of a sower spreading seeds as a way of illustrating that people respond in different ways to the message of the Gospel. Some hear and take it to heart; others reject it; but the "sower" continues to make the message available to all. Russian The Farmer and the Seed http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/The%20Farmer%20and%20the%20Seed%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-04T12:20:34-05:00 Russian: Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe. Hebrew The Farmer and the Seed http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/The%20Farmer%20and%20the%20Seed%20Hebrew.pdf 2008-11-17T11:00:35-05:00 Hebrew: Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe. Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Seeds You're Planting - #4277 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Hindrances/The-Seeds-You-re-Planting-4277 2008-08-21T11:24:47-05:00 You may have never worked in a garden in your life. But you're planting seeds, whether you realize it or not. In fact, some of what's happening in your life today - for better and for worse - is the harvest of some seeds you planted years ago. And, as the Bible makes crystal clear, "A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7) Ron Hutchcraft Ministries - The Three-Open Prayer - #4085 http://hutchcraft.com/A-Word-With-You/Your-Mission/The-Three-Open-Prayer-4085 2008-08-01T15:26:53-05:00 Now, if Granddad had just spread seed on top of that hard soil, not much would have ever grown there. But life did grow there because the ground was opened up and prepared before the seed went in. It's that way with a human heart, as well - especially when it comes to planting the Good News about Jesus in the heart of the lost people around you. You need for the ground - and the heart - to be softened up and opened up before you go in with the seed. Arabic The Farmer and the Seed http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/arabic/The%20Farmer%20and%20the%20Seed%20Arabic.pdf 2008-05-30T15:18:17-05:00 Arabic: Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe. Spanish The Farmer and the Seed http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/spanish/The%20Farmer%20and%20the%20Seed%20Spanish.pdf 2008-05-22T13:08:06-05:00 Spanish: Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe. Korean The Farmer and the Seed http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/korean/The%20Farmer%20and%20the%20Seed%20Korean.pdf 2008-05-22T11:09:28-05:00 Korean: Jesus tells a parable about a farmer and a seed. The farmer scatters seed. Some seed falls on hard ground and birds eat it. Some falls on stony ground, some among thorns and some on good ground. The seed is God's Word. Only a few people hear it and believe.