Gospel.com Topics Feed - Spirit Of Timidity 2009-09-11T08:38:56-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/spirit+of+timidity/ "Sound mind" in the Bible: 2 Timothy 1:7 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy%201:7&version=NIV 2009-09-11T08:38:56-05:00 A spirit of self-discipline--sometimes translated as "a sound mind"--is one of the characteristics of Christ-followers. Nobody who has experienced God's grace need be timid or afraid with God at their side. "Spirit of fear" in the Bible: 2 Timothy 1:7 http://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy%201:7&version=31 2009-07-22T16:57:20-05:00 The NIV renders "spirit of fear" as "spirit of timidity." In 2 Timothy we are told that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but rather he gave us a spirit of power, love and self-discipline.