Gospel.com Topics Feed - Student Evangelism 2008-01-04T10:22:35-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/student+evangelism/ Helping students get to church - StudentSoul.org http://intervarsity.org/studentsoul/item/help-church 2008-01-04T10:22:35-05:00 An article on helping students get to church from the Chapter Building section of InterVarsity's StudentSoul.org. Spotlight - StudentSoul.org http://intervarsity.org/studentsoul/spotlight/ 2008-01-04T10:20:30-05:00 Spotlight is a place to share stories, essays and ideas on InterVarsity's StudentSoul.org. InterViews - StudentSoul.org http://intervarsity.org/studentsoul/interview/ 2008-01-04T10:19:06-05:00 Interviews from InterVarsity's StudentSoul.org. Good Question - StudentSoul.org http://intervarsity.org/studentsoul/goodquestion/ 2008-01-04T10:17:31-05:00 The "Good Question" section of InterVarsity's StudentSoul.org site. Find real questions asked by real people. Home page - StudentSoul.org http://intervarsity.org/studentsoul/ 2008-01-03T17:44:38-05:00 Home page for InterVarsity's StudentSoul.org a place for conversation about lively faith, real relationships and life on a college campus. InterVarsity Ministries - InterVarsity.org http://intervarsity.org/ministries/ 2008-01-03T17:41:31-05:00 Links to the different ministries that are a part of InterVarsity. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA - Home page - InterVarsity.org http://intervarsity.org/ 2008-01-03T17:39:35-05:00 USA Home page for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, "an evangelical campus mission serving more than 35,000 students and faculty on more than 560 college and university campuses nationwide.