Gospel.com Topics Feed - Tense 2012-02-10T09:43:05-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/tense/ A Refreshing Change in the Atmosphere - #6545 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-hard-times/a-refreshing-change-in-the-atmosphere-6545 2012-02-10T09:43:05-05:00 Do the jobs no one else wants to do, and let God use you to clear out the oppressive heat of selfishness. What a refreshing change in the atmosphere you could bring to the place where you live. That Wonder-Working Word - #6340 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/that-wonder-working-word-6340 2011-04-29T10:23:31-05:00 So many objections to being a Christian melt away when you turn the attention to Jesus. "Oh, Christians are hypocrites!" Well, is Jesus? "Christians are inconsistent." Is Jesus? "All the church cares about is money." Does Jesus? What is it about Jesus you don't like? He's the issue. We tend to get off on detours about doctrine, and church, or things we're against. This is a relationship with Jesus Christ - no more/no less.