Gospel.com Topics Feed - Tips
2010-09-08T12:20:01-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/tips/True Woman Blog: Marriage tips from a real prohttp://truewoman.com/?id=10982010-09-08T12:20:01-05:00
My family just had the enormous joy of celebrating my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary. Seizing the occasion, I asked my mom to come up with a few tidbits of marriage/relationship advice to share with you on the blog. Topics in the Book of Proverbshttp://reviveourhearts.com/topics/downloads/index.php?id=95242010-08-31T14:41:38-05:00
Practical advice for everyday living from God's Word. Free church website tips: build an effective evangelistic church site to reach your communityhttp://internetevangelismday.com/church-site-tips.php2010-08-08T16:13:26-05:00
Design and build a website to reach the community
“A church is the only organization that exists primarily for the benefit of non-members”
– William Temple
“Week in, week out, more visitors turn up at our church on a Sunday because of the website, than anything else”
– King’s Church, Kingston UK: a church site design using these principles Protecting and caring for your voice - Training tip for praise singers and worship leadershttp://farsipraise.net/blog/2006/08/worship-singers-protecting-and-caring.html2007-09-23T15:50:40-05:00
1. Make sure to drink lots of decaffeinated liquid daily. Hydration is very important and caffeine has a drying effect.
2. Identify possible negative, vocal behaviors such as excessive throat clearing, coughing, loud talking, whispering, yelling, singing beyond your range, and ...