Gospel.com Topics Feed - Virgin Birth
2009-09-25T09:37:35-05:00GCIinfo@gospel.com/feeds/topics/virgin+birth/Birth of Jesus in the Bible - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%201:18-25&version=NIV2009-09-25T09:37:35-05:00
Mary was the mother of Jesus. She found to be with child through the Holy Spirit, not Joseph--her soon to be husband. Before the birth of Jesus, Joseph considered divorcing Mary quietly, but an angel came to him and told him not to. Mary gave birth to her son and Joseph named him Jesus per the angel's request. Virgin Mary in the Bible - a Christian perspectivehttp://biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%201:26-27&version=NIV2009-09-11T10:49:36-05:00
In accordance with Biblical prophesy, Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary. An angel appeared to Mary to tell her the incredible news--that she was pregnant, and that her son would be the savior of God's people. He Took My Placehttp://actsweb.org/articles/article.php?i=158&d=1&c=8&p=12007-12-17T12:20:34-05:00
Why did Jesus come to earth? What's the real significance of Christmas?