Gospel.com Topics Feed - Witnessing 2013-06-23T12:36:41-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/Witnessing/ Short video from Igniter media explains significance of relationships http://internetevangelismday.com/blog/archives/10812 2013-06-23T12:36:41-05:00 This short fictional video from Igniter demonstrates how we are all links in a chain. Note that a key element in almost every conversion was a relationship with a Christian over a period of time. Any model of evangelism which does not integrate the significance of this is unlikely to prosper. Fat Birds - #6742 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/fat-birds-6742 2012-11-13T10:19:25-05:00 Ask God to break your heart for those lost people around you; to take a piece of His heart and put it into yours. There are dying people all around you. Don't be that fat bird just staying in the nest. Heroic Ambassador http://hutchcraft.com/blogs/ron-hutchcrafts-blogs/heroic-ambassador?utm_source=Ron+Hutchcraft+Ministries%2C+Inc.&utm_campaign=bf382b6cb5-AWWY+6700&utm_medium=email 2012-09-14T10:12:10-05:00 We can't let the spinning gerbil wheel of an overstuffed life ever make us forget who we are - we're on assignment from Heaven. To help people go there. Going For Broke With Two Minutes Left - #6692 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/template-for-awwy-transcripts 2012-09-04T10:44:43-05:00 Don't wait any more. Time's going to run out - to fix that broken relationship; to get involved in the work of God's Kingdom. To deal with that hidden sin, and most of all, to live so there will be some people in heaven with you. The Bible talks about this urgency when it says, "Redeem the time," "buy up the time" because the days are evil. Facing the Flame - #6480 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/facing-the-flame-6480 2011-11-14T11:43:35-05:00 Could it be that we've gotten so busy and even so involved in accumulating blessing at our church, at our conferences, and our Bible studies that we have walked right by the people who are facing the flames? You know, we're all called to rescue them. True Woman: I'd Never Tell God "No" . . . Would I? http://truewoman.com/?id=1721 2011-06-17T10:19:51-05:00 I’ve known something for a while now that has had me really scared, and it’s this: I’m terrified of sharing the Gospel with unbelievers. So terrified that I’ve started telling God “No, I won’t—I can’t—tell them about You.” True Woman: Ministry Beyond Your Front Door http://truewoman.com/?id=1644 2011-04-15T10:06:07-05:00 I don’t think God is honored when we throw our families under the bus in the name of ministry. However, I worry that we can get so caught up in making our families a ministry priority that we allow the ministry to stop at our front door. Devotional : Courage http://delveintojesus.com/Devotionals/44/Courage.aspx 2011-03-01T16:13:15-05:00 During a recent trip to India, I learned an important lesson in courage from believers who do not let fear of violence or death deter them from spreading the Good News of Jesus. No Time for Picnics - #6179 http://hutchcraft.com/a-word-with-you/your-mission/no-time-for-picnics-6179 2010-09-16T11:52:57-05:00 The battle for a lost world begins with your own family, your own co-workers, fellow students, and friends. When it comes to telling them what you know about Jesus, silence is not golden - it's deadly. They need to see Jesus in your life. They need to hear about Jesus from your lips. True Woman Blog: What will—and won’t—draw others to Christ http://truewoman.com/?id=1206 2010-08-31T16:32:51-05:00 People may not be impressed by the things you say “no” to. But as you kindly, compassionately, humbly love and serve them, they'll find themselves being drawn to the Christ they see in you!