Gospel.com Topics Feed - You Are The Man 2009-03-25T14:16:57-05:00 GCI info@gospel.com /feeds/topics/you+are+the+man/ Russian David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/russian/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Russian.pdf 2009-03-25T14:16:57-05:00 Russian: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Hebrew David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/hebrew/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Hebrew.pdf 2009-02-27T15:52:15-05:00 Hebrew: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. ChineseT David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/chinese_traditional/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20ChineseT.pdf 2009-02-27T14:23:10-05:00 ChineseT: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Icelandic David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/icelandic/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Icelandic.pdf 2008-06-02T10:16:53-05:00 Icelandic: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Arabic David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/arabic/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Arabic.pdf 2008-05-30T15:03:28-05:00 Arabic: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Turkish David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/turkish/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Turkish.pdf 2008-05-23T09:54:34-05:00 Turkish: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Tagalog David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/tagalog/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Tagalog.pdf 2008-05-22T19:33:03-05:00 Tagalog: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Spanish David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/spanish/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Spanish.pdf 2008-05-22T12:43:35-05:00 Spanish: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Portuguese David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/portuguese/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Portuguese.pdf 2008-05-22T11:42:12-05:00 Portuguese: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born. Japanese David the King Part 2 http://bibleforchildren.org/PDFs/japanese/David%20the%20King%20Part%202%20Japanese.pdf 2008-05-21T14:50:18-05:00 Japanese: After Ishbosheth is killed, David rules over all of Israel. He makes Jerusalem his capital. It is called the City of David. He sees Bathsheba taking a bath & commits adultery with her. He then has her husband Uriah killed. Nathan the Prophet confronts David & he repents. Solomon is born.