Devotional : God Is Good
Often when we pray, we do so "just in case" it might help, but we don't usually expect God to actually come through. Why do Christians have such a hard time trusting in God's goodness? This devotional looks at the reasons and then concludes with some strategies for allowing ourselves to fully trust in God's goodness.
Devotional : Forgiveness
Forgiveness is difficult, and we often have many reasons to avoid doing it. Perhaps the hurt is too deep or too recent. Perhaps the person has not apologized or feels no remorse. This devotional will examine all of these reasons and help us to overcome them in order to offer the forgiveness the Lord commands of us.
Devotional : Forgiving Ourselves
Feelings of guilt and shame sometimes prevent us from forgiving ourselves. This devotional examines the difference between guilt and repentance and explores the reasons why it's so important to forgive ourselves as we are commanded to forgive others.
Devotional : Priorities
Many people assume that God should be the top priority in our lives, but is that right? This devotional looks at what it means to our relationships when we see them as "priorities" and why we therefore need to see God as something more than just an item on a list.
Devotionals : A Foundation For Faith
A pilot flying through clouds has to trust her instruments. What can a Christian do when they have to navigate through storms? This devotional explores the reasons it's so important to have a good foundation in the facts and evidence of Christianity, since these will not fail us when our emotions take us off course.
Article : Jesus Didn't Stay Dead. Is That A Sacrifice?
If Jesus rose from the dead three days after He died, can His death be called a sacrifice? Some have questioned why Christians call it a sacrifice if God did not actually lose His Son permanently. This article takes a look at the pain, humiliation and separation Jesus endured and explains why any of these would be enough of a sacrifice to demand a response of awe and gratitude.
Article : Do Commandments On Tattoos and Hair Still Apply?
The Bible contains some commandments that don't seem to apply anymore such as commanding men to have short hair, women to have long hair and forbidding tattoos and body piercings. Does God care about these things any more? Do 21st century Christians still need to heed these commandments?
Devotional : A Conversation in Scripture
This unique devotional take us through a "conversation in scripture" between God and man. It illustrates how God faithfully and patiently pursues us even as we turn away from Him, until we finally realize our need for Him and are saved by His abundant grace and mercy.
Why Are There Many Different Christian Churches?
If there is one God, why are there so many different churches? Why does each denomination have their own unique interpretation of the Bible? Can't Christians come together and worship as one? This article examines all of these issues and explains how sin and the nature of interpretation play a role.
Reflection : Castro's Staying Power
Fidel Castro’s February 19 2008 announcement that he's permanently stepping down from Cuba's presidency has once again focused world attention on his remarkable longevity. This reflection uses some of his earlier remarks about God and Christ to get readers thinking about their own eternal journey.
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