Evolution/Creation Class Study - Faith Facts
Check this outline for a 6-week Bible Study on the creation/evolution controversy. Included are resources and videos to use from experts like Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe. The study is challenging for any thinking person.


Theistic Evolution - Faith Facts
Some Christians feel compelled to try to reconcile evolution and creation through a view called "theistic evolution." The fundamental flaw in doing so is a failure to recognize evolution for what it is—an essentially atheistic philosophy. Read more...


How the Bible and Evolution Conflict - Faith Facts
This is a quick analysis of how the Bible and evolution conflict. Look at 22 areas where these two worldviews are radically different.


Origins and Silly Putty: The Problems with Evolution - Faith Facts
This essay surveys several books on evolution and presents their arguments about the growing problems for evolution. The reader is asked to look at this question as a true scientist would—that is, without a preconceived conclusion. Rather, examine the evidence as a jurist in a court of law.


Christian Cram Course: The Bible in Less than a Day - Faith Facts
Perhaps you have said to yourself that you really ought to learn more about the Bible. But you just never get around to it. Then, this study is for you. The purpose of the course is to guide you through some of the highlights of the Bible and answer life's most basic questions. Read more....


What is the Gospel? - Faith Facts
Because there is some confusion about what the term Gospel means, let's look closer at its use in the Bible. Is the Gospel the same in the Old Testament as in the New Testament? Why is it important? Look at what the Gospel is NOT. What is the "good news"?


How do I discover the TRUTH? - Faith Facts
We all believe in something. Not believing in anything is believing in something, though it may be incorrect. Scripture itself instructs us to test all things. Truth is there to be discovered based on the strongest available evidence. Take a look!


If I become a Christian, won't I lose my freedom? - Faith Facts
Lose our freedom? Just the opposite! One of the most profound revelations in all of the Bible is this: Jesus said that by following Him, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Is there a "catch?" Read more....


Why are Christians so judgmental? - Faith Facts
This question implies that the questioner has himself made a judgment about Christianity —a negative one. So everyone judges. The question is whose judgment is correct?


I've lived a pretty good life. I'll go to heaven, if there is one, won't I? - Faith Facts
The belief that goodness earns eternal salvation is the single most prevalent misconception about Christian teaching. The question is, by whose standard are you "good"—God's perfect standard or man's imperfect one? Or do we actually need a Savior? Read more....
