The Works of the Flesh! - Welcome to
Fruit of the Spirit, Part IX
Here is a list of the vices of sin that abuse others and us and should not have a hold on us. They cause us to hurt and in turn, hurt others.
The Desires of the Flesh and What They Do! - Welcome to
Fruit of the Spirit, Part VIII
Just before the great passage in Galatians that expounds the Fruit of the Spirit comes a warning and a list of the opposites of the good Fruit, the destroyers of churches, relationships, and self!
How to Prepare a Testimony - Welcome to
To be an effective witness of our Lord, we need to have a well-prepared testimony! When someone asks you to make a profession of faith or give a testimony, does your blood pressure go up? Do you dread it, we can help you!
The Epistle to Colossians
Christianity was new and seemed too good and too simple to be true. Here comes a new, early church that grew out of Judaism from an evangelism campaign by Paul's protégés.
Fruit of the Spirit is Love
Is the Character of Love in you?
Here is how you can find out. Take a careful look at this character and fruit of love from God’s most precious Word by examining the passages below. Now ask yourself:
1.How do I exhibit Love in my daily life?
2.What can I do to develop a more loving attitude?
3.What blocks love from being expressed in me?
4.How can I make love function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainty and stress?
Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control - Welcome to
Self-Control is allowing God to be in control of your will and heart and seeking the Spirit to enable us.
Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness - Welcome to
Gentleness is the character that will show calmness, personal care, tenderness and the Love of Christ in meeting the needs of others.
Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness - Welcome to
Faithfulness is the “gluing” fruit that will preserve our faith and the other characters of the Spirit and identify God's will so we can be dependable and trusting to God and others.
Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness - Welcome to
Goodness is the engagement of love! It displays integrity, honesty and compassion to others and allows us to do the right thing.
Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness - Welcome to
Kindness is the medium through which Christ’s love becomes tangible through us. It is practicing benevolence and a loving attitude towards others.