True Woman: Preparing a “Safe Place” for Your Man
I often find that women, usually unintentionally, have established a home environment where their husband feels “threatened.” Perhaps the husband has never admitted to this, but he may feel he can do nothing right, is unable to please his wife, or has lost all desire to try.

True Woman: The True Woman CLICK
Most change happens gradually. A child slowly learns to read. Braces slowly straighten teeth. A bush is slowly trimmed and shaped into a hedge. But then there are those changes that happen all at once. They are “Click!” or “Aha!” moments when our perspectives suddenly shift, and we begin to see the whole world in a different light.

True Woman: October 31 . . . A Matter of Prayer
As a child growing up in a Roman Catholic family during the 1960s, we celebrated Halloween. That is to say, on October 31, we cobbled together homemade costumes of sad hobos, friendly ghosts, and fierce pirates so we could run from one house to another shouting “Trick or Treat!” as we gathered lots of candy.

True Woman: Holly Elliff’s Life . . . Eight Kids Later
If you’d asked 20-year-old Holly Elliff what she was going to do with her life, her answer would’ve been quite different than the way her life actually turned out.

True Woman: What in the world is a “true woman”?
A couple weeks ago, I left my computer and cubicle behind, and hit the streets asking women some tough questions about what it means to be a true woman. While I’m glad I didn’t have to answer these questions on the spot, I will say that there’s a whole lot of confusion amongst women about who we are, why we exist, and what will make us truly happy.

True Woman: Trusting God with EVERYTHING
I was worshipping the Lord this morning when I felt a very clear directive in my heart: “Today is the day to take away the binkie.”

True Woman: It’s Impossible to Be a True Woman!
“I can’t take this anymore!” How many times has your frustration level risen to the point that you truly believed you couldn’t handle one more thing?

True Woman: You’re Gonna Love This! All True Woman Conferences Online . . .
Many of you are already asking if there's a way to listen to the final True Woman '10 Conference in Fort Worth. What if I told you that you could ask us for so much more, and we would give it to you?!

True Woman: LIVE From Ft. Worth: True Woman Manifesto Ceremony
This ceremony is significant because thousands of women are glorifying God for what He has done from creation to the cross. Who we are as men and women is about more than personality differences and body types—so much more.

True Woman: LIVE From Fort Worth: Deborah’s Convicting Biographical Sketch
If I were Deborah, and were writing my own bio, I’d want people to know that I was a prophetess, a warrior, a strategist, a leader. But Deborah wasn’t motivated by recognition or fame.